King's Business - 1910-08



from grace as much who do it, to deny the substitutionary sacrifice, and con- sequent justification by grace through faith today i as it was in the case of Galatia when Pa.ul protested against it. Once more, it destroys the whole testi- mony of the Evangel to ; teach, or con- cede,' that Christ has not risen, today, as when Paul condemned that heresy. But all this and more is ignored by thousands- of ministers, theological pro- • Vfessors, prominent philanthropists, re- ligious educators, and even missionar- ies, .¿or the sake of uniting Jew, Gen- tile, and the Church of God, in the propaganda to amend the social and economic disorder " u n d er the s u n ." - Differences MB. ROOSEVELT m May Be Vital his written address to the World's Missionary Conference said, " Emp h a s is is to be put upon 'doing the will'; if only we can -make up our minds to work to- gether with earnest sincerity for the common goou, we' shall find that 'doc- trinal differences in no way interfere with our doing this wo r k ." Mr. Rooose- Velt- is not meaning to' ignore doctrinal differences, he distinctly asserts that .elsewhere. But would he so address-'a national gathering of Socialists, Repub- "-li'fians, and Democrats 1 Would he urge them to lay aside, their differences and labor for the common good? ; Would triey not reply, " H o w, can we ¡ignore pur differences when they involve the very question as to what is most for tha common good." If the church and • mission work were merely for the social advancement of humanity it would be another thing. Our specific business is the evangelization of the world, and t h e. gospel we have to preach is the vital point.. - . fS No.-Part with It is absolutely 1m- Infidels possible to unite the whole body of profess- ing Christians on a, platform including the doctrines of—An Authoritative Bible, an Incarnate God, a Risen,,., Christ, a Substitutionary ,¡Cross, and Salvation by grace pure and simpler on the ground of an Imputed Righteous- ness reckoned to faith alone. It is equally impossible to unite the rem- nant of true believers on any basis which rejects, or discounts all, or either of those 'truths which aie the character- istics of historic, apostolic, and Messi- anic Christianity, apart from which it is reduced to a mere rationalistic and ethical philosophy.

, NOTES BY THE WAY. , By J. H. Sammis. Th


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