King's Business - 1910-08

Fulfilling " I n the latter times f a i t h ." He said that " W e have lost Scriptures some shall depart from the faith in some things? and g a i n ^ t h d n ^ r * „fcoM a ' ( I T l m - f ay - " Se - i n o t h e r s ." We have lost faith " I n su- ducers shall wax worse and wo r s e ," pernatural manifestations of power ; ' v. 8 0 H g o e s - U h a s (miracles) in certain dogmas and for- m a ? y partisans mulas once supposed to be essential to were hopeful that they might elect a salvation." We have gained " f a i t h in destructive critic to the Moderatorship man, faith in law, faith in the truths of the Presbyterian General Assembly, of nature, and faith in the God of ius- X S £ £ W a S D O t fipe, and t i c e ." So we see how we and our S o 7 i v ^ . e T f r • C O m e W h e n t h a t f a t h e r s h a v e b e e n ' ' following cunning- staunch body shall give way to seduct- ly devised f a b l e s ." We are now to. w l p P i r i v T h e proposed candidate transfer our trust to man! Well—look was Prof. Zenos of McCormick, and his at the trusts! There is the Hon Sugar name is one of the attractions at the Trust, and the Et. Rev. Beef Trust, and Winona Lake Bible Conference this sea- the Eminent Railway Trust, and the Z ^ t ^ f f t ^ V w ! Mosaic au- Legislative trusts, and the Congres- thorship of the Pentateuch. To him sional trusts. It will doubtless enhtnce Deuteronomy is a forgery of Josiah's our confidence in man to contemplate day, seven centuries only before Christ; Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, New York, t T r i . T ™ Maccabean Chicago, .San Francisco; yes, and Ot- times, only 170(f) B. C. Moses did not tawa, and Toronto, to say nothing of write the one, nor Daniel the other. London, Paris, etc. And where there Yet our Lord endorses the traditional are the thousands of honorable gentle- S a l . ' W y , men gathering in the Trust graft, and The Same The Chicago Interior, for- the Political graft, and the general com- K , t U r e & * 1 t 0 , t h e W o r d o f mercial graft, th4re are Millions 7 f a P * l d a n u u < l u a l i " their denunciators who would gladly Fulfilled fied tribute of praise to one have a hand in it if they could No, i i. • P P J o h " McPadyen, we shall still heed the wisdom that says , b e 6 " C l n e i f r T K n o x «ot your trust in princes, nor in Toronto, to fill the chair va- the son of man, whose breath is in his cated at Glasgow, by Prof. Geo. Adam nostrils. And as for " f a i t h in l a w " Smith, who is adeanced to a pres- and " f a i t h in the truths of n a t u r e ," laency, tnough a destructive critic, by W e would as lief put our trust in the the descendants of John Knox. Prof, ancient idols which had neither hands S ™ , W f » t h e ! t r V 1 - e e t - to help, nor hearts to sympathize. It is the church he loves»," so enthusiastic- not true that this is an age of f a i t h! J appiauaea Dy the interior, may be i t i s an age of suspicion, of detective very accurately described as blue-pen- agencies, of chilled iron safes, and luterrogation point from top vaults, and time locks, and M a x i i guns to bottom of such pages of Holy Writ and dreadnoughts. An age when every- t L L 7 T Z W + f ^ L a t t f < n t l o n ' thing is doubted, an age of criticisin, The second chapter of Genesis is " a po- a n . of investigations. " T h y word is etic account, mythology if you l i k e ." T r u t h ." " Y e a, let God be true and Jehovah was originally a loeal God, every man a liar " and his home was the neighborhood of "New " T he Biblical Wo r l d ," Sinai, or Horeb, "possib y a foreign Christianity" the organ of the Chi- God and a God of war, who was mas- C a g 0 University, the ter of the elements " Concerning the. theological department of that institu- • of Jericho, " F r om this point of tion. claims for " T h e new Christian- view (that it was poetic folk lore) there i t y " the position that " I f there be is no need to assume a miracle." That a controversy between Genesis and & imagination not ""by faith, the geology/ the new Christianity will walls of .Jericho fell d own ." We can s t a n d with geology. The record left in not sympathize with the Interior in its the strata of the earth cannot be im- lament over the loss of the professor panned by a poet of the prescientific from America nor bid its " Go d s p e e d" a g 9 , even though that poet be also a « « » " i; ° h n . T T ,, T-.-rcphet of a higher conception of God Still Further President Hadley, of than had before his day prevailed. In Fulfillment Yale has been preach- conformity to the same principle, the l n § M 8 graduating n e w Christianity will accept the as- c ass.- He assured the young men that S U r e d results of historical investigation " T h i s is an age of faith and a land of i n t o the records of ancient times Be-

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