King's Business - 1910-08

Rev. Eussel Greaves. The primary work of the Church to- day is to preach the truth. The Word should be preached faith- fully and the rest left to the Holy Spirit. Foolishness in the preaching is not the foolishness of preaching. Preaching is the spoken communica- tion of divine truth with a view to persuasion. Dr. Jefferson's definition of a sermon is, " A sermon is a solemn warning, a bugle call to duty, a burning condem- nation, an earnest Stroke against a great wrong, an exhortation to high enueavor; the illumination of a ma- jestic t r u t h . " There must be a personal basis to our preaching, " wh om we preach, not what we p r e a c h ." Christianity differs from philosophy as fact, from fancy. Doctor Wishard. In speaking on the inspiration of the Word, said that it: 1, enlightens; 2, instructs; 3, con- victs; 4, converts; 5, comforts; 6, nour- ishes; 7, keeps. A thing is important for two reasons pnly: 1, as to what it is; 2, as to what it does. The hope of an unbeliever is a dark tunnel. Hammer with love, and hammer with tears. We want to hold the people up be- fore the mirror (the Wo r d ). . Eev. J. E. Pratt. x wo-thirds of the human race are without the knowledge of the Gospel. The kitchen is as much in need of the Gospel as the pulpit. We make a mistake in underestimat- ing our influences. Beware of running ahead of God as well as of running behind. Is not the prevailing danger that we occupy with ourselves more than with the Lord. Do not argue, preach the Word. At the flood there were no little pleasure yachts for associate members. Eev. J. H. Habbick. On Religious Pads: The cheaper, more stupid, more assi- nine, the religious tenets, the more some people like them. Some people have not more religion than cuticle. You get fossilated staying up in the tower so much. T would rather deal with hoboes than with the astute church goers.

Eev. Mr. Buell. One mouthful of solid dogma is worth many of polished periods. A church must live and work among the leaves of the Holy Book. Por effectiveness we must have the co-operation of the Spirit through the spoken Word. I t is no use going through the Bible if you do not let the Bible go through you. Doctor McAffee. The best translation of the Bible is my mother's translation. Some people can't be heard because their lives are making so much more noise than their voices. Doctor Eyland. We are afraid to accept the Lord as our teacher. Miss Cogswell. " A s He is, so are w e " (1 Jno. 4:17). " A s ' ' is the connecting link between the Lord and His followers. When we have the life of Christ, and then only, we shall realize the standard of Christ. Mrs. Manson. The spiritualizing and appropriation of the prophecies by the Church is a great cause of non-success of Jewish evangelization. The Jews misunder- stand Christians, and Christians Jews. The Jews see only spurious Christian- ity. Mr. Ematt. The Bible is a diamond- mine with gems of priceless value. As the miner on his knees with his lamp on his cap and pick in his hand, so should the Christian be seen digging for hid treas- ure. Mr. Jamieson. Whatever humbles us and exalts Christ makes us think much of Him. Mr. Leary. I t is not clothes that make the man, but the man that makes the clothes. Mr. Sweet. I t takes the Methodist to dig the sin- ner up, the Baptist to wash him, and the Presbyterian to put in the starch and the blue. Dr. Gilchrist. San Francisco has no child labor problem, but a child idleness prob- lem. Of 87,696 children of school age, 39,292 are either irregular or non- attendant. San Francisco has & six- teenth century Christianity, plus a condition of deep depravity, and a Mc- Carthy mayoralty. The remedy needed is personal work on the part of indi- viduals; unremitting evangelistic ef-

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