On August 18, 2021, the project team gave a 90-minute synthesized presentation of their findings, online and on-site of the Human Rights Conference, as part of World Pride 2021 Copenhagen. They also published their summary in the form of a journal from the future – a fictional and retrospective review of the progress in LGBTIQA+ inclusion between 2021 and 2031. This document summarizes the fruits of the brainstorming done as part of the “Odyssey for Equality” project. Its aim is to suggest a universal and flexible framework for corporate Diversity, Equity and Inclusion leaders to elaborate upon existing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion strategies or create new ones. We have also developed a more detailed guide, which includes this framework and offers an action-oriented, practical tool kit to facilitate the most effective changes for promoting LGBTIQA+ workplace inclusion. In the longer document, the recommendations made by the 6 working streams are organized into 3 chapters to allow Diversity, Equality
and Inclusion leaders of different departments to easily find the recommendations dedicated to their specific domains of responsibility: • Corporate governance, • HR • Business and technical innovations. Each chapter is composed of different sections, for example, allyship, mentoring, etc. Certainly, there is no one-fits-all solution to LGBTIQA+ inclusion in the workplace. Nonetheless, this guide tries to, on the one hand, build a universal framework, and on the other, offer pragmatic solutions taking account for the particularities of each company and country. So, in each section, the recommendations are classified according to the maturity levels of LGBTIQA+ inclusion: awareness, acceptance, embrace, and influence.
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