What do you think of the woman who wrote the play, "A Cat Called Jesus ” ? ( signed J.M.) Dear J.M.: I feel desperatejy sorry for a wo man who, in spite of her obvious in telligence and talent, has no joyful, personal knowledge of Jesus Christ. If she knew Him as He is — perfect Love, perfect Goodness, perfect Truth — surely the response of her heart would be reverent adoration and gratitude; and the cheap, de grading, sensational use of the Name that is above EVERY name would seem utterly repulsive to her for whom Jesus Christ died. To know Jesus Christ vitally and personally is to know One who is “ altogether lovely” . . . “ the fairest of ten thousand.” To know Jesus Christ personally is to know Him of whom the Bible says . . . “ and his name shall be ca lled Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.” His Name has been revered by the greatest statesmen, philoso phers and scholars through the gen erations. Even the severest critics cannot deny the authenticity of lives totally committed to Him. To know Jesus Christ personally brings joy, poise, freedom and deep satisfaction. It is He who gives direction, pur pose and meaning to life. KNOW AN ALCOHOLIC? Do you personally know a real al coholic? If your righteous skirts are being pulled around you as you shout a resounding, “ I don’t know ANY alcoholic!!” then perhaps you had better take a look at your fellow man, and at your brand of Chris tianity! Sometimes shocking and sometimes almost brutal, yet filled with challenge after challenge is Gert Behanna’s new album WHO IS AN ALCOHOLIC? (Word, No. w- 3358-LP) TH IS M ON TH 'S RECIPE Maxine Cantrell, wife of Fred Cantrell (Alpha Beta Store’s vice- pres.) makes this marvellous hot French bread. Try it, your family will love it. Split a long loaf of French bread lengthwise and spread this mix on it. *4 lb. of butter with *4 cup of mayonnaise and a little garlic salt. Then sp r in k le grated parmesean cheese and a little paprika on top and heat in oven 350 degrees for 10 minutes (uncovered on a baking sheet). Uhmmmm serve with spaghetti and green salad. What a meal!
wearing out, its leg is scratched; it has trouble, in fact, everything has trouble. It’s how we take our trouble that really counts.” I read today that every trouble is an opportunity to win the grace of strength, and that trouble is always with us to develop strength. A world without trouble would only bring spiritual and moral laziness. Fortu nately, every day is crowded with care. Every day to every one of us brings its questions, its worries, its tasks and its own trouble. Thus we get spiritual and moral exercise. With each new day and new trouble we get new opportunities for the de velopment of our soul. Even the days when we too, like Laurie, “ Don’t like life!” A minister once wrote, “ There are three attitudes one can take about trouble: resent it, resign yourself to it, or rejoice in it like a Christian.” How about you?
TROUBLES ANYONE? W h e n L a u r ie ’ s teacher called me to school for a talk with him, that’s one thing. But after I ar rived, to be called into the princi pal’s office, now, that was another thing! I realized that getting sum moned to the “Principal’s Office” still affects me like it used to with that quiver of fear running down my back. It still means trouble! As it turned out Laurie was hav ing some problems in two subjects, one was arithmatic (ah, she’s her mother’s girl) and it was going to take some very hard work and a few tests to get her over the hump. When I left the office the teacher seemed confident that Laurie wou ld be helped so I came home to break the news to her and have my “heart-to- heart talk.” All the confidence in the world didn’t help as I told Laurie about my conference with her teacher. She seemed to crumble into little defeat ed pieces and discouragement flowed with her tears. Her first words were “ Mother, I wish I were dead!” I put my arms around her and asked, “ Why?” She explained, “ Because I don’t like life!” I wept with her be cause so many times I’ve felt the same way. Many days I don’t like life either! The next day at her piano lesson she told her surprised teacher that she wished that she was a cat. When asked, why, she answered, “ Because a cat doesn’t have any troubles.” Her wise teacher then told her about the little brown mouse who has trouble with the cat, the cat who has trouble with the dog, the dog who has trou ble with bigger dogs, and that no one is free from trouble. Laurie listened but seemed puzzled so she said, “ Everyone has trouble? But that chair doesn’t.” “ Oh but it does,” her teacher replied, “ Look, its fabric is
V e r s e f o r T o d a y I live such a frustrated life. My work is just half-through at best; When I get to Heaven with all of the saints, The first thousand years I’ll just rest! “ In my Father’s house are many mansions : if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you” (John 14:2). Readers are invited to send questions, recipes, and comments to this column.
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