A Tired American Speaks Out
[joV tta , tmboftyouJo'&lje , . . . Ten acres of resorf luxury in the heart of Phoenix. Five minutes from Sky Harbor Airport. Steps from smart shops, theaters. Deluxe accommodations with year around J air-conditioning. Olympic Swimming Pool. Cocktail Lounge. Entertainment. N O CHARGE SERVICES: transportation to and 11 from station or airport, golf courses, riding stables, churches; jp Breakfast served in your room. FREE P A R K IN G at your door. M
The following editorial by Alan McIntosh recently appeared in the Rock County Herald, Luverne, Minn. The editors of The Inquirer believe that most Americans have the same feelings about current conditions and attitudes as does Mr. McIntosh. I a m A t i r e d A m e r i c a n . I am tired of being called the ugly American. I’m tired of having the world pan handlers use my country as a whip ping boy 365 days a year. I am a tired American—weary of having American embassies and in formation centers stoned, burned, and sacked by mobs operating under orders from dictators who preach peace and breed conflict. I am a tired American—weary of being lectured by Gen. de Gaulle (who never won a battle) who poses as a second Jehovah in righteousness and wisdom. I am a tired American—weary of Nasser and all the other blood-suck ing leeches who bleed Uncle Sam white and kick him on the shins and yank his beard if the flow falters. I am a tired American—weary of the beatniks who say they should have the right to determine what laws of the land they are willing to obey. I am a tired American — fed up with the mobs of scabby-faced, long haired youths and short-haired girls who claim they represent the “ new wave” of America and who sneer at the old-fashioned virtues of honesty, integrity, and morality on which America grew to greatness. I am a tired American — weary unto death of having my tax dol lars go to dictators who play both sides against the middle with threats of what will happen if we cut off the golden stream of dollars. I am a tired American — who is tired of supporting families who haven’t known any other source of income other than Government re lief checks for three generations. * * * I am a tired American — who is getting madder by the minute at the filth peddlers who have launched Americans in an obscenity race — who try to foist on us the belief that THE KING'S BUSINESS
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