King's Business - 1966-03

filth is an integral part of culture— in the arts, the movies, literature, the stage. I am a tired American — weary of the bearded bums who tramp the picket lines and the sit-ins — who prefer Chinese Communism to capi­ talism — who see no evil in Castro, but sneer at President Johnson as a threat to peace. I am a tired American—who has lost all patience with that civil rights group which is showing propaganda movies on college campuses from coast to coast — movies denouncing the United States, movies made in Communist China. I am a tired American — who is angered by the self-righteous breast- beater critics in America, at home and abroad, who set impossible yard­ sticks for the United States but never apply the same standards to the French, the British, the Rus­ sians, the Chinese. * * * I am a tired American who re­ sents those who try to peddle the belief in schools and colleges that capitalism is a dirty word and that free enterprise and private initiative are only synonymous for greed. They say they hate capitalism, but they are always right at the head of the line demanding their share of the American way of life. I am a tired American—real tired of those who are trying to sell me the belief that America is not the greatest Nation in all the world—a generous-hearted Nation—a Nation dedicated to the policy of trying to help the “have nots” achieve some of the good things that our system of free enterprise brought about. I am an American who gets a lump in his throat when he hears the “ Star - Spangled Banner” and who holds back tears when he hears those chilling high notes of the brassy trumpets when Old Glory reaches the top of the flagpole. I am a tired American who thanks a merciful Lord that he was so lucky to be born an American citizen—a Nation under God, truly with mercy and justice for all. * * * And Christians, too, are tired of so-called Christian ministers who deny the Word of God, of adult and juvenile delinquents, of sin in high places and low. What our land needs is a revival to change the heart of America.— Editor. MARCH, 1966


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July 8, July 11-July29

...and 2-Week “VACATION SPECIAL” July 11-July 22 In addition to the regular three- and six- week plan, Moody offers the two-week short-course program. Four courses avail­ able, two in New Testament, one in Old, and one on Prophecy Yet Unfulfilled. WORKSHOPS AND SEMINARS June 20—July 8 Missionary Literature Workshop Specially planned for missionaries on fur­ lough and missionary candidates. Three main parts; (1) Writing, (2) Publishing, (3) Distribution. Fundamentals of Christian Broadcasting

This is for busy, active people . . . pastors, Sunday school teachers, missionaries, stu­ dents, laymen . . . people who recognize their personal need to enlarge and improve their effectiveness in Christian service. MBI makes available to you at this time, when so many Christians have free time, a staff of more than 40 competent instructors and specialists, in a field of more than 50 accredited subjects. This concentrated study, which ordinarily requires a full semester of Day School, can be combined with your plans for a fine, low-cost vacation in Chicago, famed for its many free facilities. Tuition is Free . .. board and room at the school as low as $22.50 per week. Enjoy Chicago this summer—Bible study in the mornings; practical Christian work, relaxa­ tion, sight-seeing in the afternoons and evenings.

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