book reviews
INST ITUTE Offering Courses of Study for all C H R IST IA N WORKERS, LEADERS. ETTA courses as well as many others, with competent teachers. Begins — Monday, March 21, 7:30 p.m. Continues every Monday thru April 25. BIOLA COLLEGE AUD ITOR IUM 13800 Biola Ave., La Mirada For further information write: Rev. C. Chester Larson
suggests the solution for a strong missionary advance before the Lord’s return. His concern is for the com placency evident in all too many cir cles, where Christians are taking a defeatist attitude relative to the fu ture of missions t h r o u g h o u t the world. — 151 pages; cloth; Zonder- van Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $2.95. Without attempting to cover the entire scope of Biblical truth, this pocket-size pu b l i c a t i o n amazingly handles over 5,000 entries, including a number of helpful photographs. Al though small in size, the new release is a valuable tool for the individual who wishes to delve more deeply in the story of his Bible, going into his torical and cu l t u r a l backgrounds which add to the applications of truth. — 167 pages; paper; Zonder- van Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $1.95. This is another in the series of the “ Pelican History of the Church.” Professor Chadwick deals with the work of such reformers as Luther, Erasmus, Zwingli, Calvin, and some o f the special circumstances concern ing the English Reformation, along with the Jesuits and their counter reformation. There are six publica tions in the series by general editor Chadwick. — 163 pages; cloth; Wil liam B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., Grand Rapids, Mich.; $5.95. While every Christian agrees that it is necessary and important for him to carry on a witness for the Lord Jesus Christ, yet sometimes there is a hesitancy in actually fulfilling this commission of the Lord. Timidity, lack of proper training and fear are but a few of the excuses people give. This book seeks to deal with these Handy Dictionary of The Bible edited by Merrill C. Tenney The Reformation by Owen Chadwick The Witness by Urie A. Bender
Simple Sermons For Times Like These by W. Herschel Ford
From the pen of the popular Bible conference speaker and evangelist, these sermons cover helpful truths concerning the days in which we live. Written in easy-to-understand language, they will be especially practical for new Christians. In ad dition, the book would make an ex cellent gift for someone who needs to know Christ as Saviour. There is a very strong salvation appeal in each chapter, one of which is en titled, “ A Sermon from a Catholic Bible” containing splendid material for those who are interested in wit nessing to people in this religious system. — 135 pages; cloth; Zon- dervan Publishing House, G r a n d Rapids; Mich.; $2.50. Himalayan Heartbeat by Ken Anderson With the increased interest in the nation of India, the author and Chris tian motion picture producer, who has been known for his journalistic ability through the years, relates a true missionary story. It concerns Dr. Geoffrey D. Lehmann and his wife who minister at Herbertpur Hospital in the foothills of India’s rugged mountain range. Turning his back on a promising inheritance with his family’s business, Dr. Lehmann prepared to serve Christ as he has sought to meet the physical and spir itual needs of those in great need.— 198 pages; cloth; Word Books, Waco, Texas; $3.75. Nothing To Win— In. the face of many areas of the world, apparently closing their doors to the missionary advance, the found er and president of Vision, Inc., Spokane, Washington, u r g e s the church of Jesus Christ to realize that there is still a tremendous opportu nity for Gospel proclamation in key areas of the globe. He not only points out some of the errors of the church in the past and some of the reasons why we are facing problems, but also But The World by Clay Cooper
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There are some
who say that only a pastor needs the preparation of a theological seminary. But I must per sonally testify that the work of a mission
Dr. Nevin
ary — presenting the Gospel of Christ to the lost men of this age — is the most intellectually and spiritually challenging task imaginable. Who then can find a finer seminary in this day of spiritual decay and
apostasy than Talbot Theological Seminary. Dr. Paul D. Nevin
Moody Bible Institute Chicago, Illinois
THEOLOGIC/ Offering B.D., Th.M. and M.R.E. degr< 13800 Bioki Ave., LaMirada, Cal.
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