COURSE by Scripture Press
l l l l l l l l l l l i l l l
For 10-day or 5-day schools (or anything between)
Pictured from left to right, Don Ranson, program direc tor, Ray Syrstad, C. Chester Larson, moderator and Western Director for Scripture Press, and Paul Dirks. by Rev. C. Chester Larson
It’s b rand-new from " s c r a t c h ” — nothing carried over from last year! Fresh, excitingly new features in Bible- based courses from Nursery through Adult. Every activity is correlated with the central teaching aim of each day. Christ-centered, using newest educa tional methods, to make this your most effective V B S yet. * Fresh format ★ More pupil involvement ★ Crafts with a purpose A Lower total “per pupil” cost ★ Wonderful new teaching aids
youth hour will also automatically increase the attendance of its Sun day night church service. The youth training hour also contributes to the total program by providing Christian young people who are ma turing and growing in the Christian experience and, therefore, can as sume places of leadership in other areas of the church ministry. Q. We want to start a youth group in our church but we don’t know how to go about it. A. In this day of increasing teen age strife and delinquency, your ob jective is a worth-while one. Here are some suggestions: 1. Set your goals. What do you want to accomplish in the next few weeks, three months, six months? 2. Outline a Plan. Decide on a simple o r g an i z a t i o n a l structure which includes planning groups. 3. Present your Plan. Get your pastor and church board’s approval. 4. Approach the Teen-agers. In vite them to your home for an infor mal meeting. Involve them in plan ning and assign simple basic respon sibilities. 5. Develop a Prospect List. From the Sunday School records, and church membership roll, make a prospect list. Add the names of the friends of your teen-agers. 6. Get Parent Co-operation. Have a meeting inviting parents and teen agers. Tell of plans and purposes of the new group. 7. Plan First Meeting. Set a date for the first meeting and plan a real winner. Promote it every way you can. Finally, bathe every step with much prayer for God’s direction and blessing!
Q. I am having difficulty getting young people to participate. What can I do to encourage them to take part? A. Your problem is not an unusual one, but it is one that many have solved. There are two keys to par ticipation . . . UNDERSTANDING and INVOLVEMENT . To help young people to better understand the need for participation, it may be well to explain to them the pur pose of the Training Hour meeting. The primary aim of the Sunday school is to instruct; the main ob ject of the youth meeting is train ing. Youth meetings are to give training in putting the Word of God into use. When youth and sponsors understand this, they will see that the best way to reach this goal is to become active and involved in the planning and the working of the youth meetings. One excellent way to inform the key young people of the real purpose of the youth training hour and to get them involved in the planning is to take them to a leaders’ retreat. The retreat is a good time to plan tentatively the entire year’s pro gram; to discuss the duties of each officer, to pray and to have a good time of fellowship. This should en courage participation. Q. How should the Sunday evening youth hour be related to the total educational program of the church? A. A good youth program augments the Sunday School and increases its effectiveness by building upon it. The Sunday School aims to give in struction in the Word of God with expression woven in. The training hour should underline this. The church that maintains a profitable MARCH, 1966
Introductory Kit FREE Filmstrip
showing in your church New full-color 35mm filmstrip with 3 3 % rpm record. Show this in your church — to see what’s really new in V B S and to enlist and enthuse teach ers! Also available— colorful “ planning and ordering guide.” MAIL TH IS COU PON . . . o r s e e y o u r C h ristia n B o o k s t o r e
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