King's Business - 1966-03

lish. The U.B.I. campus consists of over 13 acres with numerous well-built brick buildings. These stand as a testimony to the faith­ fulness of the Lord. In the guidance o f the school it is clearly felt that literature is one of the most vital tools for evangelism. Instructive Gospel tracts have been written and sev­ eral millions of copies have been distributed during the past dec­ ade and a half. A children’s paper is published twice monthly and is widely used in Sunday schools. The main emphasis, as far as lit­ erature is concerned, is on books. Thirty-one volumes, averaging a hundred pages each, have been published in the Zulu language. Several are used as textbooks, not only at the Union Bible Insti­ tute, but also at other Bible

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The Union Bible Institute staff of 1965. Katherine Gurzi is second from right on the front row. schools. Funds for this program have been provided by gifts as well as through the return of finances from sales of the books themselves at a modest rate. It has been found that the people are more interested in reading literature if they have to pay something for it. More than 100,- 000 books in all have been sold. One of the latest arms of U.B.I. is its tape-recording min­ istry. Messages are prepared and copies supplied to those who or­ der them, with several hundreds already having been made and distributed in this unique fashion. We praise the Lord for this out­ reach of evangelism in the train­ ing o f dedicated Christian work­ ers in South Africa at the Union Bible Institute in Natal. MARCH, 1966

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