Chief Tairiri (left) whose life from headhunting to Christianity was displayed in the huge Wyeliffe mural at the New York World’s Fair receives gift of candy for this tribe of Shapra Indians. Luden’s Public Relations Direc tor Leigh Chamberlain passes it out. 4
Missionary “ Candy Lift ”
O UT OF THE DENSE jungles of northern Peru, a native in- dian was honored at the New York’s World’s Fair before its closing last year. Chief of his tribe, Tariri saw his own life por trayed on the huge canvas mural of Wycliffe Bible Translator’s Pavillion depicting his conversion from savage headhunter to Chris tian teacher. During his visit to the Fair,
with an added proviso that the winner in turn donate the sweets to his favorite charity. Mr. Far ber won the prize. Impressed with Tariri’s con version, the radio personality de cided to make the Shapra Indians his “ favorite charity.” Earl Man- hold, Jr., a vice president of the candy firm, was so delighted with the decision that he increased the amount to 500 pounds. Leigh
Tariri was interviewed on “The Barry Farber Show,” aired over New York’s p ow e r f u l outlet, WOR. How the native chief re ceived pounds of candy for his tribe resulted from this guest ap pearance. Mr. Farber had attend ed a press luncheon given by Lu den’s, Inc., at the National Candy Wholesalers’ Convent i on . The door prize was the contents of Luden’s candy exhibition booth
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