King's Business - 1966-03

himself were the first to join the visitors. Far into the night the men, women and children of the tribe clustered close to the guests’ pandosi (house). At the first glimmer of light, the tribe came back to see what innovations were in store. The most popular was the Polaroid camera specially do­ nated for the occasion by the Polaroid Corporation. Most of the tribespeople had never before seen a picture, let alone an im­ mediate one of themselves. These photographs became highly prized souvenirs of the “ candy lift.” Knowing that the Indians have a particular fondness for red, the Ludens people put on a search for red T-shirts and red beads for the Shapras. The beads were located,

it: “ You don’t have to be ‘in the field’ working with the tribes to be a missionary. Everyone here, whether he’s teaching agricul­ ture, disseminating weather re­ ports, or running a pr int ing press, is effectively contributing to the spread of Christianity in the jungle.” Field teams help the primitive tribes put their natural surroundings and resources to maximum effect. At the same time they combine these benefits with Christianity. Two Cessna seaplanes were used for the 400-mile trip from Yarinacocha to the Shapras in the Amazon headwaters country. Landing on the chocolate brown river, Oroshpa, the chief’s son, some o f the women, and Tariri

Chamberlain, public relations di- erctor for the firm’s advertising agency, was selected to “ ride herd” on the candy lift. Dr. Everett S. Graffam, executive di­ rector of the Evangelical Founda­ tion, Philadelphia, supplied de­ tails of inoculations and clothing that would be needed, the itiner­ ary, the tribes to be visited and established liaison with the Sum­ mer Institute of Linguistics at Lima and Yarinacocha. He per­ suaded Doris Cox to join the trip as translator. (Miss Cox and Miss Anderson originally estab­ lished contact with the Shapras in 1950 which resulted in their conversion.) First stop for the group was

Jean Shepherd (lower left), radio personality, shows the Indians a tape re­ corder as well as a little “Jew’s harp” (in his left hand). Ta/pes were later released over WOR, New York.

A young Shapra Indian wearing a strand of the prized red beads present­ ed by the candy company. Missionary Doris Cox is on the left. at the Institute in Lima where they were briefed on jungle con­ ditions. The following day the team headed over the Andes by DC-3 for the jungle base at Yari­ nacocha on Lake Yarina. At the missionary base, in an area of 400 acres wrested from the jungle, live some 130 Americans, their children, and about 140 Peruvian employees. There is a small air­ port for the fleet of amphibious and regular planes, a weather control tower, schools for the chil­ dren, a printing press and in­ struction centers where the tribes are taught animal husbandry, agronomy, agriculture and other useful trades. As James Wroughton, director o f the Wycliffe jungle base, put


MARCH, 1966

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