*A College of Distinction'' ★ Spacious Campus ★ Sports ★ Consecrated Faculty i f Clubs i f Choir Write Dr. Monroe Parker, President, for Catalog
EDITORIALS Both my husband and I have found T h e K i n g ’ s B u s i n e s s M a g a z i n e an excellent source of Christian reading. Some of the editorials are so packed with important eye-openers that one feels like shouting the information to everyone who will listen. We have ordered two subscriptions for some missionary friends in India and Africa, and I know God will bless those who read them. Mrs. Lucille M. Effa, Richmond, B.C. WRONG M A R Y Will you please tell Mr. Whitwell that his outline in the December issue on page 13 indicates that Jesus was worshipped by Mary after the resur rection? Please tell this brother that there is no record of Mary whatever after Jesus, on the cross, gave her to John, except in Acts 1:14. There is no record that she saw Jesus after He died. In all the four Gospels, the names of those women who saw Him are given, but hers is not in the list. Walter L. Wilson, Kansas City, Missouri PARSONAGE ROOF We have enjoyed the many fine arti cles in T h e K i n g ’ s B u s i n e s s down through the years. One of my favorite articles has been “ Under the Parson age Roof.” Each month when the magazine arrived, I always read Mrs. Miller’s column first, even if I didn’t have time at the moment to read any others. I shall greatly miss her column. Mrs. Elizabeth Collard, Sonora, Mexico MOVIES We would like to add our hearty en dorsement to your article in the No vember issue on movies. We were really surprised to see such an open and candid opinion among Christians these days regarding the theater, as so many believers are afraid to touch the sub ject for fear of losing out among their fellow Christian friends. I had no idea that Biola took this stand, and we are indeed happy to know that this is maintained by those going to the col lege. May the Lord bless you as you continue your ministry of training peo ple to serve Jesus Christ uncompromis ingly so far as the things of the world are concerned. Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Baker, Glendale, Calif. THE KING'S BUSINESS
WARN ING O N ULTRAS A group of false teachers known as Ultra-Dispensationalists are caus ing havoc among God's dear children in these perilous days in which we are living. Sailing under false colors they get into sound Evangelical Churches, and then split them wide open with their false teaching. Their favorite method is to make contacts in Church meetings and then hold study groups in the member’s homes. They deny water baptism for this age and teach that the Church did not start on the day of Pentecost. They have zeal without knowledge. Ask outside speakers whether they believe in water baptism for this age before you allow them in your pulpit. It could save you a lot of trouble. To be forewarned is to be forearmed against these pernicious teachers of the last days. Write for a free copy of my tract “A Damnable Heresy” which exposes this 20th Century Cult. REV. HARRY A. McGIMSEY— P.O. Box 188, Hemet, California 92343
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