RETHINKING THE DATES OF THE NEW TESTAMENT The Evidence for Early Composition Jonathan Bernier
This paradigm-shifting study is the first book-length investigation into the compositional dates of the New Testament to be published in over forty years. It argues that, with the notable exception of the undisputed Pauline Epistles, most New Testament texts were composed twenty to thirty years earlier than is typically supposed by contemporary biblical scholars. What emerges is a revised view of how quickly early Christians produced what became the seminal texts for their new movement. “Bernier’s study on the dating of early Christian literature is bold and disruptive in a field that has become compla- cent on such matters. Bernier’s argument that the bulk of the literature that became the New Testament was written between 40 and 70 CE is notable and impressive, but even more impressive is his transparent style of arguing in such a way that those who agree and disagree will alike find this an invaluable resource.” —CHRIS KEITH, Centre for the Study of Judaism and Christianity in Antiquity, St. Mary’s University; University of Notre Dame Australia “A major contribution to the study of Christian origins. It not only needs to be read; it needs to be reckoned with.” —BRANT PITRE, Augustine Institute Graduate School of Theology “Bernier has written the go-to book on dating the collec- tion of texts now known as the New Testament (and some of the Apostolic Fathers). Anyone interested in the emer- gence of Jesus-movement literature and history must consult this book.” —ISAAC T. SOON, Crandall University “A must-read for anyone interested in historical approaches to the New Testament or early Christianity.” —JORDAN J. RYAN, Wheaton College “Regardless of whether one accepts Bernier’s conclusions, this book is the new must-read volume for anyone who wants to examine the dates of these ancient compositions.” —ANDERS RUNESSON, University of Oslo “This book promises to shake up the scholarly study of the New Testament and some extracanonical Christian works. An impetus to refreshing scholarly conversations for decades to come.” —JAMES F. M C GRATH, Butler University, Indianapolis
NOW AVAILABLE • 336 pp. • paper • $29.99 • 9781540961808
Jonathan Bernier (PhD, McMaster University) is assistant professor of New Testament at Regis College, University of Toronto, where he also serves as ex- ecutive director of the Lonergan Research Institute. He has written several books, including The Quest for the Historical Jesus after the Demise of Authenticity .
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