THE GOOD SAMARITAN Luke 10 for the Life of the Church Emerson B. Powery TOUCHSTONE TEXTS Stephen B. Chapman, series editor
The story of the good Samaritan in Luke 10, one of Jesus’s most well-known parables, continues to fascinate readers with its pow- erful imagery and ethical significance. In this exposition, New Testament scholar Emerson Powery shows how this classic and beloved text can speak afresh to the life of the church today.
“Powery demonstrates how parables continue to surprise us, turn our expectations upside down, and call us to alter our imaginations. He urges us to grasp how reading the Bible is both a spiritual and a political practice, beckoning us to get involved in ‘good trouble.’” —LISA BOWENS, Princeton Theological Seminary “Those who are seeking a simple explanation of the para- ble of the good Samaritan should instead be prepared to be stretched by Powery’s analysis. Powery is present in his work in a winsome and authentic way and models the best of biblical scholarship and pedagogy in theological education.” —CAROL E. LYTCH, president emerita, Lancaster Theological Seminary “Powery offers a sincere invitation for engaged conversa- tions regarding forgiveness, reconciliation, and neighbor- liness.” —NYASHA JUNIOR, author of Reimagining Hagar: Blackness and Bible “A timely, engaging, and provocative book—well suited to the classroom and the church—that demonstrates again and again how interpretation and ethics are tightly inter- twined.” —JOEL B. GREEN, Fuller Theological Seminary “Powery reminds us that when engaging the parable of the good Samaritan, ‘what you see depends on where you stand.’ This book is astonishing in its range and compelling in its vision; I highly recommend it.” —MARY FOSKETT, Wake Forest University “Powery gives fresh and challenging perspectives for in- terpreting and understanding this universally referenced parable. Readers’ intellectual interests will be ignited and the call to a faithful contemporary walk with Jesus made more compelling.” —NATHAN D. BAXTER, Lancaster Theo- logical Seminary; retired bishop, The Episcopal Diocese of Central Pennsylvania
NOW AVAILABLE • 192 pp. • cloth • $24.99 • 9781540960665
Emerson B. Powery (PhD, Duke University) is professor of biblical studies at Messiah University. He is the author of Jesus Reads Scripture and Immersion Bible Studies: Mark and the coauthor of The Genesis of Liberation: Biblical Interpretation in the Antebellum Narratives of the Enslaved . He is also the coeditor of True to Our Native Land: An African American New Testament Commentary .
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