ACROSS THE SPECTRUM Understanding Issues in Evangelical Theology, 3rd ed. Gregory A. Boyd and Paul Rhodes Eddy This accessible yet comprehensive primer helps readers under- stand the breadth of viewpoints on major issues in evangelical theology. This third edition of a well-received textbook, now updated and revised throughout, examines positions taken by evangelical scholars on seventeen seminal issues. In addition, it offers end-of-chapter “For Further Reading” sections, an exten- sive glossary, and an appendix that addresses contrasting views on fifteen additional issues in contemporary evangelicalism. “A collective sigh of relief will arise from the evangelical student body when it discovers this book!” —ROGER E. OLSON, George W. Truett Theological Seminary, Baylor University “I have assigned previous editions of this book in survey courses, and students have benefited from its clear, well-organized layout of major issues and argu- ments. With this new edition, Boyd and Eddy will continue orienting newcomers to evangelical theology, as well as fostering mutual understanding between those who hold different views.” —DANIEL J. TREIER, Wheaton College “Never has a balanced text that introduces the core beliefs of evangelicals been more necessary.” —JACQUELYN E. WINSTON, Azusa Pacific University (emerita) “An excellent read for students and church groups engaged in an introductory exploration of theology.” —JONATHAN GRENZ, Palm Beach Atlantic University “An essential companion for students of evangelical theology!” —BRIAN YEICH, Asbury Theological Seminary
NOW AVAILABLE • 384 pp. • paper • $35.99 • 9781540964038
Gregory A. Boyd (PhD, Princeton Theological Seminary) is a theologian, preacher, teacher, and apologist. He is cofounder and senior pastor of Wood- land Hills Church in St. Paul, Minnesota, and president of Paul R. Eddy (PhD, Marquette University) is professor of biblical and theologi- cal studies at Bethel University. He is the coeditor (with James K. Beilby) of six successful multiview volumes.
13. The Lord’s Supper Debate 14. The Charismatic Gifts Debate 15. The Women in Ministry Debate 16. The Millennium Debate 17. The Hell Debate
Introduction 1. The Inerrancy Debate 2. The Providence Debate 3. The Foreknowledge Debate 4. The Genesis Debate 5. The Divine Image Debate 6. The Christology Debate 7. The Atonement Debate 8. The Salvation Debate 9. The Sanctification Debate 10. The Eternal Security Debate 11. The Destiny of the Unevangelized Debate 12. The Baptism Debate
Appendix: Additional Issues in Evangelical
Theology Glossary Index
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