PARTICIPATION AND ATONEMENT An Analytic and Constructive Account Oliver D. Crisp The atonement is at the heart of Christian doctrine. But how does it relate to the life of the church? And what difference does it make for worship and liturgy? Theologian Oliver Crisp sets out a new, comprehensive account of the nature of the atonement, exploring how this doctrine affects our participation in the life of God and in the shared life of the Christian community. Crisp builds on key in- sights from other historic substitutionary models of Christ’s work while avoiding the problems plaguing penal substitution. “Crisp does what the best theologians have always done: engage critically and sympathetically with the tradition and constructively develop it in conversation with old and new questions. This is one of the most important recent treatments of the doctrine of the atonement.” —GAVIN D’COSTA, University of Bristol “In this rich, nuanced, and full-orbed account of salvation, Crisp brings new and salient insights to what Paul calls the ‘things of first importance.’ Crisp offers some friendly and welcome criticism of past and current thinking on atonement while constructing his own persuasive account of the atonement as participation in the divine life.” —LUCY PEPPIATT, Westminster Theological Centre, United Kingdom “Among contemporary theologians, Crisp stands out for the unusual breadth and rigor of his historical and systematic work. This rich and rewarding book should enjoy a wide readership.” —MATTHEW LEVERING, Mundelein Seminary
NOVEMBER 2022 • 272 pp. • cloth • $29.99 • 9780801049965
Oliver D. Crisp (PhD, University of London; DLitt, University of Aberdeen) is the principal of St. Mary’s College, head of the School of Divinity, professor of analytic theology, and director of the Logos Institute at the University of St. Andrews. He has written or edited numerous books, including The Word En- fleshed , Analyzing Doctrine , Deviant Calvinism , and Jonathan Edwards among the Theologians .
Introduction PART 1: APPROACHING THE ATONEMENT 1. Methodological Issues 2. The Value and Necessity of Atonement PART 2: MODELS OF ATONEMENT 3. Moral Exemplarism and Transformation 4. The Ransom Motif 5. Satisfaction Guaranteed 6. Problems with Penal Substitution PART 3: ATONEMENT AND SALVATION 7. Sin and Salvation
8. Representation and Atonement 9. The Mystical Body of Christ 10. Soteriological Synthesis Index
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