GOD’S PROVISION, HUMANITY’S NEED The Gift of Our Dependence Christa L. McKirland Foreword by Alan J. Torrance
This book makes an exegetical and theological case that human beings were created to need the presence of God in order to flourish.
“Biblically rooted, theologically sophisticated, and attuned to vital issues that we face today concerning how we treat one another and how we relate to God. This is theo- logical anthropology of a higher order.” —OLIVER CRISP, St. Mary’s College, University of St. Andrews “Anyone looking for a Christian answer to the question, What does it mean to be human? needs to read this book.” —JOANNA LEIDENHAG, University of Leeds “A biblically and theologically robust picture of what it means to be human—namely, to need God and to have God meet that need. Readers will find this a resource for many pressing biblical and theological questions, but even more, they will find reasons through this text to wor- ship the abundant God.” —AMY PEELER, Wheaton College “A profoundly moving must-read for anyone interested in academic theology!” —SOFANIT T. ABEBE, Ethiopian Graduate School of Theology FROM THE FOREWORD “This remarkable book represents a dynamic and constructive vision of theology and theological anthropology. Not only does it integrate resources provided by contemporary biblical exegesis, analytic philosophy, and systematic theology; it does so in a man- ner that is historically informed and that engages thoughtfully with the Christian tradition. The author’s background in analytic theology is reflected in the lucidity, transparency, and analytic rigor with which she presents her arguments. “One might suspect that a book whose title refers to God’s provi- sion for human need is likely to be pragmatic in style and apolo- getically driven. Such a perception, however, could not be further from the truth. At no point do we find culturally conditioned perceptions of human need framing the interpretation of God and the Christian faith. What we have is an exercise in trinitarian and christologically focused anthropology that engages in depth and at length with biblical scholarship and key philosophical resources for the sake of the theological task.”— Alan J. Torrance
NOW AVAILABLE • 240 pp. • paper • $38.00 • 9781540962799
Christa L. McKirland (PhD, University of St. Andrews) is lecturer in systematic theology at Carey Baptist College in Aotearoa (New Zealand). She is the founder and executive director of Logia International, which seeks to support women across the divinity disciplines for the sake of the academy and the church.
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