JESUS AND THE GOD OF CLASSICAL THEISM Biblical Christology in Light of the Doctrine of God Steven J. Duby This work of serious dogmatics by Reformed theologian Steven Duby explains why Christology should be connected to a robust doctrine of God. “Duby offers a true gift to modern discussions of Christology, grounding categories and discussions from systematic theology in biblical scholarship. A must-read for those wanting an overview and update on any of the topics covered.” —MADISON N. PIERCE, Western Theological Seminary “This wonderfully helpful book shows how to take up the Bible’s passionate presentation of Jesus without letting go of the traditional high doctrine of God.” —FRED SANDERS, Torrey Honors College, Biola University “Shows how the judicious use of metaphysical categories, far from obscuring or distorting Scripture’s message, might enhance our understanding of it.” —IAN A. M C FARLAND, Candler School of Theology, Emory University; University of Cambridge “Written from an ecumenically alert Reformed point of view, this book will interest and stimulate theologians who share its author’s conviction that a truly biblical Christology cannot do without a vigorous affirmation of God’s eternity, immutability, and impassibility. Even more, one hopes, it will interest those who do not.” —BRUCE D. MARSHALL, Perkins School of Theology, Southern Methodist University “This helpful book details the biblical basis and conceptual coherence of traditional Christologies. Along the way, Duby provides a thorough primer on numerous aspects of classical theism and the modern debates it has generated.” —DANIEL J. TREIER, Wheaton College “Duby shows that the doctrine of God as interpreted by early, medieval, and post-Reformation orthodox theolo- gians illumines our reading of the scriptural presentation of the incarnate Son. In so doing he helps demonstrate the christological payoff to concepts like immutability, impassibility, eternality, and even the simplicity of God.” —MICHAEL ALLEN, Reformed Theological Seminary
NOW AVAILABLE • 464 pp. • cloth • $55.00 • 9781540961389
Steven J. Duby (PhD, University of St. Andrews) is associate professor of the- ology at Phoenix Seminary. He is the author of God in Himself: Scripture , Meta- physics and the Task of Theology and Divine Simplicity: A Dogmatic Account .
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