STRANGERS AND SCAPEGOATS Extending God’s Welcome to Those on the Margins Matthew S. Vos Christian sociologist Matthew Vos explains how the problem of the stranger lies at the root of many problems humanity faces, such as racism, sexism, and nationalism, but an identity in Christ frees us to love strangers as neighbors and friends. “I learned so much from reading Strangers and Scape- goats . We love to talk about diversity and the image of God, but Vos challenges us to consider what that actually looks like, what it costs, and the great reward of extending God’s welcome to others.” —AIMEE BYRD, author of The Sexual Reformation and Recovering from Biblical Manhood and Womanhood “Powerful, eye opening, and hope filled.” —CAROLYN CUSTIS JAMES, author of Half the Church: Recapturing God’s Global Vision for Women “A masterful fusion of classic sociology, analysis of contemporary social problems, and personal experience that will support and stimulate Christians toward loving their neighbors.” —JENELL PARIS, Messiah University “Vos asks us to see the gospel as a call to empty ourselves, particularly on behalf of those who are unfairly labeled as strangers and scapegoats.” —STEVE CORBETT, Covenant College “A timely response to the widening cultural divides between ‘us’ and ‘them.’” —LISA GRAHAM M C MINN, George Fox University “Vos develops a fresh lens by which to consider some of the most polarizing issues in the Christian community today related to gender, race, human sexuality, immigration, economic exploitation, and incarceration.” —AMANDA W. BENCKHUYSEN, director of Safe Church Ministry for the CRCNA “While readers may not completely agree with Vos’s emphasis or interpretation of events, they will follow his cogent arguments with fascination and find themselves unable to stop reading. A must-read for sociology courses; it will spark discussion and debate.” —MARY J. DENGLER, Dordt University (emeritus); editor of
NOW AVAILABLE • 288 pp. • paper • $24.99 • 9781540965233
Matthew S. Vos (PhD, University of Tennessee, Knoxville) is professor of so- ciology and chair of the department at Covenant College, where he has taught since 2000. He serves as vice president for the Christian Sociological Associa- tion and as an associate editor for the Journal of Sociology and Christianity .
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