GOD AT WORK IN THE WORLD Theology and Mission in the Global Church Lalsangkima Pachuau
This book argues that theology of mission deals with God’s work in and for the world, which is centered on God’s salvation in Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit.
“Pachuau’s book sets forth a theology of mission by drawing from a wide range of contemporary trinitarian theologies, theologies of religion, and different church traditions.” —SIMON CHAN, editor of Asia Journal of Theology “Pachuau has followed up his landmark World Christianity with another remarkable work, God at Work in the World . This is Pachuau at his best.” —TIMOTHY C. TENNENT, Asbury Theological Seminary “Although there are many books about mission theology, few engage the work of theologians as deeply as this one does. Moreover, Pachuau widens the field to include global as well as Western works.” —KIRSTEEN KIM, Fuller Theological Seminary “Pachuau has offered to fellow scholars and students around the world a firm introduction to the theology of mission that is not only profound but also accessible and sometimes even provocative. An important addition to any theological or missiological library.” —STEPHEN BEVANS, Catholic Theological Union, Chicago (emeritus) “Anyone interested in the relationship between theology and mission will benefit from the clear and concise wisdom offered in this valuable work.” —JOHN R. FRANKE, Second Presbyterian Church, Indianapolis; author of Missional Theology “A timely and telling reminder that the only way for mission to be or become the heartbeat of the church in a changing world is to stay in rhythm with the will and work of God in our world today.” —PENIEL RAJKUMAR, United Society Partners in the Gospel; Ripon College Cuddesdon, Oxford
NOW AVAILABLE • 192 pp. • paper • $22.99 • 9781540961365
Lalsangkima Pachuau (PhD, Princeton Theological Seminary) is the John Wesley Beeson Professor of Christian Mission and the dean of Advanced Research Programs at Asbury Theological Seminary. He is also a member of the Center of Theological Inquiry. He previously taught at the United Theological College in Bangalore, India.
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