1 PETER, 2ND ED. Karen H. Jobes BAKER EXEGETICAL COMMENTARY ON THE NEW TESTAMENT Robert W. Yarbrough and Joshua W. Jipp, series editors
In this new edition in the award-winning BECNT series, Karen Jobes offers a substantive commentary on 1 Peter. She takes a historical-grammatical approach to exegeting 1 Peter and considers the possibility that the original readers of the letter were actual exiles who had known Peter in some other location, probably Rome. She analyzes each discourse unit of the Greek text with a view toward not only what the letter meant in its original setting but how it speaks to readers today. The first edition has been widely regarded as one of the leading commentaries on 1 Peter. The second edition takes recent schol- arship into account and has been updated and revised through- out. As with all BECNT volumes, this commentary features an acclaimed, user-friendly design and combines academic sophis- tication with pastoral sensitivity and accessibility, making it a useful tool for pastors, church leaders, students, and teachers.
“For the casual student or the advanced scholar, this second edition solidifies its place as my top recommendation for a 1 Peter commentary.” —MARIAM KOVALISHYN, Regent College
“Jobes’s commentary on 1 Peter has been my primary text- book for teaching this letter. This revised edition keeps the best of what she wrote before while also interweaving interaction with the most valuable literature of recent years along with gems of contemporary application. A great resource has become even better.” —CRAIG L. BLOMBERG, Denver Seminary (emeritus) “This updated text expands on Jobes’s distinctive contributions to the study of 1 Peter and includes an ad- ditional section on the ways the Greek Jewish Scriptures have shaped the letter. Jobes decisively models how to consider various interpretive issues and viewpoints while also asserting and supporting her own positions.” — JANETTE H. OK, Fuller Theological Seminary “I highly recommend this commentary for students and church leaders who are looking for a clear, under- standable presentation of 1 Peter in its historical, literary, and theological contexts.” —RUTH ANNE REESE, Asbury Theological Seminary
OCTOBER 2022 • 400 pp. • cloth • $46.99 • 9781540965783
Karen H. Jobes (PhD, Westminster Theological Seminary) is Gerald F. Hawthorne Professor of New Testament Greek and Exegesis, Emerita, at Wheaton College and Graduate School. She is the author of several books, including John through Old Testament Eyes , Invitation to the Septuagint (with Moisés Silva), Letters to the Church , and 1, 2, 3 John .
INVITATION TO THE SEPTUAGINT, 2ND ED. 9780801036491 • $40.00p
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