Fall 2022
Table of Contents
PRACTICE ..................... 44
BIBLE . ............................. 1
THEOLOGY ................. 24
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Cover image: Unsplash: bartosz-kwitkowski-dxr- mUTCh4Nc-unsplashk
The Old Testament and God is the first volume in Craig Bartholomew’s ambitious four-volume project, which seeks to explore the question of God and what happens to Old Testament studies if we take God and his action in the world seriously. Toward this end, Bartholomew proposes a post-critical paradigm shift that recenters study around God. The intent is to do for Old Testament studies what N. T. Wright’s Christian Origins and the Question of God series has done for New Testament studies. Bartholomew proposes a much-needed holistic, narrative approach, showing how the Old Testament functions as Christian Scripture. In so doing, he integrates historical, literary, and theological meth- ods as well as a critical realist framework. Following a rigorous analysis of how we should read the Old Testament, he examines and explains the various tools available to the interpreter. He then applies worldview analysis to both Israel and the surrounding nations of the ancient Near East. The volume concludes with a fresh exegetical exploration of YHWH, the living and active God of the Old Testament. Subsequent volumes will include Moses and the Victory of Yahweh , The Old Testament and the People of God , and The Death and Return of the Son . “For anyone who finds the Old Testament irrepressibly fas- cinating, this will be an exciting, learned, and coherently argued book.” —RICHARD BAUCKHAM, University of St. An- drews (emeritus) “Essential reading for all scholars and serious students alike.” —TREMPER LONGMAN III, Westmont College (emeritus) “Only Bartholomew could have written this book! A joy to read, it should fund a new and multifaceted conversation grounded in the question of God.” —MATTHEW LEVERING, Mundelein Seminary “This opus breathes intelligence, learning, and creativity as it frames what it means—and could mean— to study the Old Testament.” —HEATH A. THOMAS, Oklahoma Baptist University “Sheds new light on many disputed issues and illuminates the rich Old Testament portrayal of the living God.” —PHILIP JENSON, Ridley Hall, Cambridge “ The Old Testament and God is sure to guide and inspire students and scholars alike.” —MICHAEL J. RHODES, Carey Baptist College
Craig G. Bartholomew (PhD, University of Bristol) is director of the Kirby Laing Centre for Public Theology in Cambridge. He has written or edited many books, most recently The God Who Acts in History: The Significance of Sinai . He is also the coauthor (with Michael W. Goheen) of The Drama of Scripture , Living at the Crossroads , and Christian Philosophy . NOVEMBER 2022 • 608 pp. • cloth • $54.99 • 9781540964014 • USA and Canada only
THE GREAT STORY AND THE GREAT COMMISSION Participating in the Biblical Drama of Mission Christopher J. H. Wright ACADIA STUDIES IN BIBLE AND THEOLOGY H. Daniel Zacharias, series editor
In The Great Story and the Great Commission , Christopher Wright explains that how we read the Bible has a profound impact on how we understand what mission is. According to Wright, “People read (and preach) the Bible in tiny bits and pieces, for its promises or rules or doctrines, and fail to take it . . . as the true story of the universe, past, present, and future, within the plan and purposes of God—a story in which we are called to participate as coworkers with God.” Wright encourages us to explore the Bible’s grand narrative and to bring “the whole counsel of God” in Scripture to our under- standing of who we are and what we must do as God’s people. He helps us understand mission in its broadest sense, including our creational responsibilities, by exploring the question, “How does our purposeful activity as God’s people in God’s world reflect the breadth of God’s own intentions for his whole creation and all nations?” Wright’s goal is to get readers excited about the dramatic vista of the whole Bible and to help them understand the breadth and depth of missional engagement that they are called to live as actors in that drama. This book will appeal to professors and students of the Bible and mission as well as pastors, lay theologians, and other Christian readers.
FEBRUARY 2023 • 176 pp. • cloth • $23.99 • 9781540966162
Christopher J. H. Wright (PhD, University of Cambridge) is global ambassador and ministry director of the Langham Partnership. He previously taught Old Testa- ment at Union Biblical Seminary in India and was academic dean and then princi- pal of All Nations Christian College. Wright has written many books, including Old Testament Ethics for the People of God , The Mission of God , The Mission of God’s People , and commentaries on Deuteronomy, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel.
Introduction 1. A Missional Hermeneutic of Scripture 2. The Great Story as a Drama in Seven Acts 3. What Does the Great Story Do?
4. The Great Commission and the Five Marks of Mission 5. Building the Church through Evangelism and Teaching 6. Serving Society through Compassion and Justice 7. The Goodness and Glory of Creation 8. The Goal of Creation 9. The Great Story, the Great Commission, and the Church’s Mission Index
WHO IS GOD? 9781540961907 • $22.99c
ISAIAH J. Gordon McConville BAKER COMMENTARY ON THE OLD TESTAMENT: PROPHETIC BOOKS Mark J. Boda and J. Gordon McConville, series editors The book of Isaiah has been regarded from the earliest Christian period as a key part of the Old Testament’s witness to Jesus Christ. This commentary by Old Testament scholar J. Gordon McConville draws on the best of biblical scholarship as well as the Christian tradition to offer a substantive and useful commentary on Isaiah. McConville treats Isaiah as an ancient Israelite document that speaks to twenty-first-century Christians. He examines the text section by section—offering a fresh translation, textual notes, paragraph-level commentary, and theological reflection—and shows how the prophetic words are framed to persuade audiences. Grounded in rigorous scholarship but useful for those who preach and teach, this volume is the second in a new series on the Prophets. Series volumes are both critically engaged and sensitive to the theological contributions of the text. The Baker Commentary on the Old Testament: Prophetic Books series is designed to complement the well-received Baker Com- mentary on the Old Testament: Wisdom and Psalms series. Other BCOT series cover the Pentateuch and the Historical Books. “Readers of a commentary on Isaiah may hope that it will help them grasp the book of Isaiah as a whole, the way different parts relate to different contexts, the theological significance of these different parts, how Isaiah looks when read in light of the New Testament, what we might learn from modern study of it, and the actual meaning of individual chapters. McConville gives sensible and illumi- nating answers to all these questions.” —JOHN GOLDINGAY, Fuller Theological Seminary (emeritus)
APRIL 2023 • 832 pp. • cloth • $64.99 • 9780801030949
J. Gordon McConville (PhD, Queen’s University, Belfast) is professor emeritus of Old Testament theology at the University of Gloucestershire. He previously taught at Trinity College, Bristol, and Wycliffe Hall, Oxford. McConville has writ- ten or edited many books, including Being Human in God’s World , Dictionary of the Old Testament: Prophets , and commentaries on Deuteronomy, Joshua, 1 and 2 Chronicles, and Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther.
HOSEA–MICAH 9780801030765 • $54.99c
“An invaluable resource for student and scholar alike.” —CHLOE T. SUN, Logos Evangelical Seminary “This commentary on these six important prophets will take a prominent place on my shelf.” —BILL T. ARNOLD, Asbury Theological Seminary
RETHINKING THE ATONEMENT New Perspectives on Jesus’s Death, Resurrection, and Ascension David M. Moffitt Foreword by N. T. Wright “Rarely does a new body of scholarship come along that compels us to rethink what we thought we knew about the New Testament. Moffitt’s work on the Letter to the Hebrews is exactly that sort of game-changing intervention.” —RICHARD B. HAYS, Duke University (emeritus) “An eye-opening series of arguments, each one of which now needs to be pondered and integrated into our overall assessment of Hebrews and its contribution to early Christian thought as a whole.” —N. T. WRIGHT (from the foreword) “This volume will be indispensable for the study of Hebrews, and it should be foundational for the devel- opment of atonement theology.” —LOVEDAY ALEXANDER, University of Sheffield (emerita) “Moffitt has changed not only how I read Hebrews but how I conceive of my faith. I’m eager to put this volume into the hands of my students and parishioners.” —AMY PEELER, Wheaton College “This collection of essays is not simply a rethinking but a Copernican Revolution in atonement theology, both because it concerns the movement of a celestial body (the risen and ascended Jesus Christ) and because it calls for a reversal of some traditional soteriological polarities.” —KEVIN J. VANHOOZER, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School “It will no longer be possible to write on the atonement, let alone Christology, without engaging in detail with the exegetical arguments that Moffitt presents. This is one of those rare books in biblical scholarship that should be compulsory reading not only for biblical scholars but also for academic theologians, students, and pastors alike.” —ALAN J. TORRANCE, University of St. Andrews (emeritus) “This is a spectacular set of essays from one of the greatest living New Testament scholars.” —MADISON N. PIERCE, Western Theological Seminary
FEBRUARY 2023 • 288 pp. • paper • $35.00 • 9781540966230
David M. Moffitt (PhD, Duke University) is reader in New Testament studies at the University of St. Andrews. His book Atonement and the Logic of Resurrection in the Epistle to the Hebrews received a Manfred Lautenschläger Award for Theological Promise in 2013. He is the coauthor of New Testament Basics and the coeditor of Son, Sacrifice, and Great Shepherd and A Scribe Trained for the Kingdom of Heaven .
1 PETER, 2ND ED. Karen H. Jobes BAKER EXEGETICAL COMMENTARY ON THE NEW TESTAMENT Robert W. Yarbrough and Joshua W. Jipp, series editors
In this new edition in the award-winning BECNT series, Karen Jobes offers a substantive commentary on 1 Peter. She takes a historical-grammatical approach to exegeting 1 Peter and considers the possibility that the original readers of the letter were actual exiles who had known Peter in some other location, probably Rome. She analyzes each discourse unit of the Greek text with a view toward not only what the letter meant in its original setting but how it speaks to readers today. The first edition has been widely regarded as one of the leading commentaries on 1 Peter. The second edition takes recent schol- arship into account and has been updated and revised through- out. As with all BECNT volumes, this commentary features an acclaimed, user-friendly design and combines academic sophis- tication with pastoral sensitivity and accessibility, making it a useful tool for pastors, church leaders, students, and teachers.
“For the casual student or the advanced scholar, this second edition solidifies its place as my top recommendation for a 1 Peter commentary.” —MARIAM KOVALISHYN, Regent College
“Jobes’s commentary on 1 Peter has been my primary text- book for teaching this letter. This revised edition keeps the best of what she wrote before while also interweaving interaction with the most valuable literature of recent years along with gems of contemporary application. A great resource has become even better.” —CRAIG L. BLOMBERG, Denver Seminary (emeritus) “This updated text expands on Jobes’s distinctive contributions to the study of 1 Peter and includes an ad- ditional section on the ways the Greek Jewish Scriptures have shaped the letter. Jobes decisively models how to consider various interpretive issues and viewpoints while also asserting and supporting her own positions.” — JANETTE H. OK, Fuller Theological Seminary “I highly recommend this commentary for students and church leaders who are looking for a clear, under- standable presentation of 1 Peter in its historical, literary, and theological contexts.” —RUTH ANNE REESE, Asbury Theological Seminary
OCTOBER 2022 • 400 pp. • cloth • $46.99 • 9781540965783
Karen H. Jobes (PhD, Westminster Theological Seminary) is Gerald F. Hawthorne Professor of New Testament Greek and Exegesis, Emerita, at Wheaton College and Graduate School. She is the author of several books, including John through Old Testament Eyes , Invitation to the Septuagint (with Moisés Silva), Letters to the Church , and 1, 2, 3 John .
INVITATION TO THE SEPTUAGINT, 2ND ED. 9780801036491 • $40.00p
1 CORINTHIANS Kimlyn J. Bender BRAZOS THEOLOGICAL COMMENTARY ON THE BIBLE R. R. Reno, general editor; Robert W. Jenson†, Robert Louis Wilken, Ephraim Radner, Michael Root, and George Sumner, series editors This addition to the Brazos Theological Commentary on the Bible series offers a theological reading of 1 Corinthians. As with other volumes in the series, this commentary is designed to serve the church, providing a rich resource for preachers, teachers, students, and study groups. “The vision of the Brazos series of theological commen- taries is once again vindicated in this dazzling work by the distinguished theologian Kimlyn Bender. I particularly urge this book upon preachers looking for larger vistas of proclamation.” —FLEMING RUTLEDGE, author of The Cruci- fixion: Understanding the Death of Jesus Christ “This commentary makes it clear how Paul’s testimony to the cross and resurrection of Christ challenges the local church—and not only in ancient Corinth but in every time and culture—to decide to follow the way of Jesus Christ. Throughout, Bender does well to keep out of the way in order to let the reader receive the full force of Paul’s apostolic preaching and his call to respond to the gospel by living a life of suffering witness.” —KEVIN J. VANHOOZER, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School “An illuminating, astute, and potent commentary on Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians. Highly recommended!” —J. TODD BILLINGS, Western Theological Seminary “This commentary displays all the hallmarks of what makes Bender’s work so valuable: it is judicious, engag- ing, crystal clear, and consistently attentive to the gospel and its implications for life. Readers will quickly recognize that they are being ushered through the epistle by a wise and reliable guide who is himself moved and delighted by the subject matter.” —ADAM NEDER, Whitworth University “This highly accessible commentary offers the attentive reader—whether novice interpreter or seasoned scholar— an invaluable apprenticeship in the art of scriptural interpretation.” —J. ROSS WAGNER, Duke Divinity School “Serious students of 1 Corinthians cannot but profit by a thoughtful reading of this commentary.” —STEPHEN WESTERHOLM, McMaster University (emeritus)
NOVEMBER 2022 • 320 pp. • cloth • $35.00 • 9781587433177
Kimlyn J. Bender (PhD, Princeton Theological Seminary), an ordained Baptist minister, is professor of Christian theology at George W. Truett Theological Seminary, Baylor University. He is the award-wining author of numerous books, including Reading Karl Barth for the Church , Confessing Christ for Church and World , and Karl Barth’s Christological Ecclesiology . He also coedited Theology as Conversation and The T&T Clark Handbook of Ecclesiology , and serves as a contributing editor for Cultural Encounters .
READING KARL BARTH FOR THE CHURCH 9780801097584 • $26.99p
The world today cries out for a prophetic word to the chaos, un- rest, and destructiveness of our times. In The Lord Roars Old Tes- tament ethicist M. Daniel Carroll R. highlights three key ethical concerns of the Old Testament prophets—justice, worship, and hope—and shows how they can speak into our world.
“Carroll, easily one of our best scholars and teachers on the prophets, offers a concise and erudite—indeed, ideal—introduction to these all-important messengers of God.” —BRENT A. STRAWN, Duke University “Carroll’s rigorous exegesis, historical analysis, and cultural awareness converge to give Bible readers a better understanding of Scripture’s prophetic tradition and how it applies right now.” —DENNIS R. EDWARDS, North Park Theological Seminary “Carroll’s proposal challenges today’s Westernized Christian visions of a world trapped in left-wing and right-wing political ideologies.” —OSCAR GARCÍA-JOHNSON, Fuller Theological Seminary “Offers a powerful call toward living a prophetically formed ethic grounded in the biblical prophets Amos, Isaiah, and Micah. This call is desperately needed in our fractured world.” —BETH M. STOVELL, Ambrose Seminary “This work is remarkable in that it combines the expertise of one of the world’s leading scholars on the prophets and social ethics with his deep knowledge of Latino/a theology.” —BO H. LIM, Seattle Pacific University “For anyone praying, speaking, or acting toward a vision of justice, this book is a must-read.” —LISSA M. WRAY BEAL, Providence Theological Seminary “Deeply rooted in the Old Testament prophets, Carroll brings the possibility of God’s truth to impart important instruction for the contemporary church.” —SOONG-CHAN RAH, Fuller Theological Seminary “A must-read for those committed to reclaiming the prophetic voice by proclaiming the vision of the prophets.” —DOMINICK S. HERNÁNDEZ, Talbot School of Theology, Biola University “The power of this book lies in the dialogue it creates between ancient and contemporary prophets.” —MARK J. BODA, McMaster Divinity College
NOW AVAILABLE • 160 pp. • cloth • $24.99 • 9781540965080
M. Daniel Carroll R. (Rodas) (PhD, University of Sheffield) is Scripture Press Ministries Professor of Biblical Studies and Pedagogy at Wheaton College and Graduate School. He previously taught at El Seminario Teológico Centroamericano in Guatemala City and then at Denver Seminary. Carroll has written or edited more than a dozen books, including The Bible and Borders , Wrestling with the Violence of God , and a major commentary on the book of Amos.
THE BIBLE AND BORDERS 9781587434457 • $16.00p
PAUL, THE SPIRIT, AND THE PEOPLE OF GOD Gordon D. Fee Foreword by Dean Pinter This contemporary classic by renowned scholar Gordon Fee explores the Spirit’s significant role in Pauline life and thought. This edition features an updated design and packaging, new study questions, and a foreword by Dean Pinter, who commends the book to a new generation of readers. “Fee’s earlier scholarly tome on Paul’s theology of the Holy Spirit is without dispute the most thorough work on the subject ever yet produced. The fruit of that detailed labor is made accessible to a wider range of readers in his Paul, the Spirit, and the People of God . For anyone interested in this major Pauline theme, and in the work of the Spirit, this work is indispensable. It helps us reframe in more biblical terms our thinking about the central role of the Spirit.” —CRAIG S. KEENER, Asbury Theological Seminary; author of Gift and Giver: The Holy Spirit for Today FROM THE FOREWORD “Gordon makes an obvious but bold assertion in his book: ‘If we are going to count for much in the postmodern world in which we now live, the Spirit must remain the key to the church’s exis- tence.’ These words are still as relevant as they were when he first wrote them in the mid-1990s, if not more so today. The ubiquity of the internet, the influence of social media, and the geopolitical shifts that have occurred since 9/11 were not envisioned in the world in which Gordon wrote this book, but Gordon’s insight was keen and far-reaching at that time, and it continues as such today. He recognizes that the church always needs a reformed and reforming faith rooted in the experienced reality of the Holy Trinity, especially when faced with the contemporary seductions posed by the ‘modern trinity’ of relativism, secularism, and indi- vidualism.”— Dean Pinter
JANUARY 2023 • 240 pp. • paper • $24.99 • 9781540966025
Gordon D. Fee (PhD, University of Southern California) is professor emeritus of New Testament studies at Regent College, Vancouver. He coauthored the bestselling How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth and is the author of numer- ous books, including Pauline Christology , God’s Empowering Presence , Jesus the Lord according to Paul the Apostle , and commentaries on 1 Corinthians, Revelation, Philippians, 1 and 2 Timothy, and Titus.
ENCOUNTERING THE NEW TESTAMENT A Historical and Theological Survey, 4th ed.
Walter A. Elwell and Robert W. Yarbrough ENCOUNTERING BIBLICAL STUDIES Walter A. Elwell, series editor
This new edition of an award-winning textbook takes into account the dramatic shift in the global Christian population. Other distin- guishing features include abundant full-color images, maps, and charts; sidebars that address ethical and theological concerns and provide primary source material; focus boxes isolating key issues; chapter outlines, learning objectives, and summaries; and study questions. An accompanying website offers flash cards and self quizzes for students and discussion questions and a test bank for professors. “In almost thirty years of teaching introductory-level New Testament courses, I have found Encountering the New Testament to be a very accessible and readable text for my students. I will continue to use this as my primary textbook. Enthusiastically recommended.” —BOB BAYLES, Lee University “The well-arranged text, accompanied by stunning pictures and helpful charts, invites college students into the world of the New Testament. Professors will appreciate the book’s organization and instructional aids. The excellent scholarship represented in this resource
NOVEMBER 2022 • 464 pp. • cloth • $54.99 • 9781540964168
elevates it above similar works in the field.” —ANDREW MARQUEZ, Wayland Baptist University
course help for professors and study aids for students
“We have been using the various editions of Encountering the New Testament for many years. The authors’ aware- ness of globalized Christianity, especially apparent in this fourth edition, along with electronic support materials, all render this updated edition a welcome development for students open to a holistic acquaintance with Christ’s new covenant.” —JONATHAN M. WATT, Geneva College and the Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary
Walter A. Elwell (PhD, University of Edinburgh) is professor emeritus of New Testament at Wheaton College and Graduate School. He has written or edited numerous books, reference works, and articles. Robert W. Yarbrough (PhD, University of Aberdeen) is professor of New Testament at Covenant Theological Seminary. He lectures internationally and is the author, editor, or translator of numerous books, articles, and reviews.
1–3 JOHN 9780801026874 • $47.99c
A CATHOLIC BIBLICAL THEOLOGY OF THE SACRAMENTS Timothy C. Gray and John Sehorn, series editors
This series, designed to complement the successful Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture series, offers a biblical-theological exploration of each of the seven sacraments. Series volumes foster a deeper appreciation of God’s gifts and call in the sacraments through a renewed encounter with God’s Word. Series editors Timothy C. Gray and John Sehorn teach at the Augustine Institute Graduate School of Theology, which prepares students for Christian mission through on-campus and distance education programs. Gray is also president of the Augustine Institute. PRAISE FOR THE CATHOLIC BIBLICAL THEOLOGY OF THE SACRAMENTS SERIES “This excellent series will help Catholics appreciate more and more both the relationship between Word and Sacrament and how the sacraments are grounded in the riches of Scripture.” —THOMAS D. STEGMAN, SJ, Boston College School of Theology and Ministry “This series gives to students of the Bible a deeply enriched view of the mesh of relationships within and between biblical texts that are brought to light by the liturgy of the sacraments.” —JENNIFER GRILLO, University of Notre Dame “This series points the way to the theological and exegeti- cal future.” —MATTHEW LEVERING, Mundelein Seminary
NOW AVAILABLE • 9781540961785 • 256 pp. • $22.99p
FORTHCOMING SERIES VOLUMES John Sehorn on the Eucharist Michael P. Barber on the anointing of the sick James B. Prothro on confession, penance, and mercy
FALL 2023 • 9781540961846 • 240 pp. • $22.99p
THE BIBLE AND THE PRIESTHOOD Priestly Participation in the One Sacrifice for Sins Anthony Giambrone, OP A CATHOLIC BIBLICAL THEOLOGY OF THE SACRAMENTS Timothy C. Gray and John Sehorn, series editors In this volume, a leading Catholic scholar offers a biblical theology of the priesthood rooted in the Old and New Testaments. Half a millennium after the Protestant Reformation and in the midst of an ongoing clerical crisis in the Catholic Church, The Bible and the Priesthood presents a comprehensive biblical vision and defense of the sacramental priesthood and an informed theological response to the problem of priestly sin. It gives expression to the ministerial priesthood’s biblically grounded, sacramental share in the sacrificial ministry of Jesus Christ. “An exegetically sound grounding of the office of the priesthood in the biblical tradition.” —GARY A. ANDERSON, University of Notre Dame “A profoundly biblical theology of the priesthood that will illuminate exegetes, fundamental theologians, and dogmaticians alike.” —NINA HEEREMAN, St. Patrick’s Seminary & University “A splendid work of unimpeachable scholarship.” —ROMANUS CESSARIO, OP, Ave Maria University
NOVEMBER 2022 • 320 pp. • paper • $22.99 • 9781540961860
Anthony Giambrone, OP (PhD, University of Notre Dame), is vice director and professor of New Testament at the École biblique et archéologique française de Jérusalem. He also teaches at the University of Notre Dame and at the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich. In addition to numerous scholarly and popular articles, he is the author of A Quest for the Historical Christ: Scientia Christi and the Modern Study of Jesus .
List of Sidebars Series Preface PART 1: INTRODUCTION 1. Priesthood and the Project of Catholic Exegesis Hermeneutical Interlude: A Catholic Alternative PART 2: “THE SONS OF AARON IN THEIR SPLENDOR” 2. “The Glory of the L ord Appeared” (Lev. 9:23): Priesthood as Theophany 3. “Like People, like Priest” (Hosea 4:9): Priestly Sin and the Prophetic Critique 4. “I Will Clothe You with Festal Apparel” (Zech. 3:4): The Promise of a New Priesthood PART 3: “THE ORDER OF MELCHIZEDEK” 5. “Feed My Sheep” (John 21:17): The Inauguration of New Covenant Ordo 6. “A Spiritual Temple, a Holy Priesthood” (1 Pet. 2:5): Priestly Sacrifice and the New Law 7. Conclusion: Jesus as Charismatic Founder of a Hierarchical Church Suggested Resources Indexes
RETHINKING THE DATES OF THE NEW TESTAMENT The Evidence for Early Composition Jonathan Bernier
This paradigm-shifting study is the first book-length investigation into the compositional dates of the New Testament to be published in over forty years. It argues that, with the notable exception of the undisputed Pauline Epistles, most New Testament texts were composed twenty to thirty years earlier than is typically supposed by contemporary biblical scholars. What emerges is a revised view of how quickly early Christians produced what became the seminal texts for their new movement. “Bernier’s study on the dating of early Christian literature is bold and disruptive in a field that has become compla- cent on such matters. Bernier’s argument that the bulk of the literature that became the New Testament was written between 40 and 70 CE is notable and impressive, but even more impressive is his transparent style of arguing in such a way that those who agree and disagree will alike find this an invaluable resource.” —CHRIS KEITH, Centre for the Study of Judaism and Christianity in Antiquity, St. Mary’s University; University of Notre Dame Australia “A major contribution to the study of Christian origins. It not only needs to be read; it needs to be reckoned with.” —BRANT PITRE, Augustine Institute Graduate School of Theology “Bernier has written the go-to book on dating the collec- tion of texts now known as the New Testament (and some of the Apostolic Fathers). Anyone interested in the emer- gence of Jesus-movement literature and history must consult this book.” —ISAAC T. SOON, Crandall University “A must-read for anyone interested in historical approaches to the New Testament or early Christianity.” —JORDAN J. RYAN, Wheaton College “Regardless of whether one accepts Bernier’s conclusions, this book is the new must-read volume for anyone who wants to examine the dates of these ancient compositions.” —ANDERS RUNESSON, University of Oslo “This book promises to shake up the scholarly study of the New Testament and some extracanonical Christian works. An impetus to refreshing scholarly conversations for decades to come.” —JAMES F. M C GRATH, Butler University, Indianapolis
NOW AVAILABLE • 336 pp. • paper • $29.99 • 9781540961808
Jonathan Bernier (PhD, McMaster University) is assistant professor of New Testament at Regis College, University of Toronto, where he also serves as ex- ecutive director of the Lonergan Research Institute. He has written several books, including The Quest for the Historical Jesus after the Demise of Authenticity .
READING THE PROPHETS AS CHRISTIAN SCRIPTURE A Literary, Canonical, and Theological Introduction Eric J. Tully READING CHRISTIAN SCRIPTURE This survey textbook is grounded in the view that the prophetic books of the Old Testament should be read as Christian Scripture. Although it covers critical issues such as authorship, background, and history, its primary focus is on the message and theology of the prophetic books and the contribution they make to the Christian canon. Particular attention is given to literary issues, such as the structure of each prophetic book. Full-color illustrations, diagrams, and artwork bring the text to life. The prophetic books covered are Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi. “Well organized, with maps, informative sidebars, and thoughtful questions, Reading the Prophets as Christian Scripture will be a useful textbook and reference book.” —M. DANIEL CARROLL R., Wheaton College and Graduate School “Offers evangelical students a user-friendly introduction to the Old Testament prophetic books. Great charts, time lines, maps, and pictures add to the book’s value.” —MARION TAYLOR, Wycliffe College, University of Toronto “If the Prophets are to be read, understood, and pro- claimed as Scripture for the people of God, then Tully has done the church a great service by writing this book.” —BO H. LIM, Seattle Pacific University “The deceptive simplicity of the prose makes this book suitable for first-year seminary students, while the patient unpacking of structural and theological themes proves wonderfully stimulating for more advanced readers.” —D. A. CARSON, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (emeritus) “Students and teachers alike will benefit from Tully’s clear guidance and excellent teaching.” —MARK S. GIGNILLIAT, Beeson Divinity School
NOW AVAILABLE • 432 pp. • cloth • $49.99 • 9780801099731
course help for professors and study aids for students
Eric J. Tully (PhD, University of Wisconsin–Madison) is associate professor of Old Testament and Semitic languages and director of the PhD (Theological Studies) program at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. He is the author of The Translation and Translator of the Peshitta of Hosea and coauthor of Old Testament Textual Criticism .
In this series, leading biblical scholars address key Bible passages from both the Old and New Testaments, making high-quality biblical scholarship accessible for the church. TOUCHSTONE TEXTS SERIES Stephen B. Chapman, series editor
Jacqueline E. Lapsley on Genesis 1–3 Brent A. Strawn on Exodus 20
Stephen B. Chapman on Numbers 6 J. Gordon McConville on Isaiah 53 Klyne R. Snodgrass and Stephen Chester on Romans 6
9781540961853 • 224 pp. • $24.99c
“Briggs offers a fresh study of this beloved and familiar psalm, but even more, he uses it as a key to open the gate into the vast garden of biblical interpretation, which has been much tended from ancient times to the present. He is the best kind of guide; his deep and wide knowledge, engaging style, and genuine faith are both eye-opening and edifying.” —ELLEN DAVIS, Duke Divinity School
THE GOOD SAMARITAN Luke 10 for the Life of the Church Emerson B. Powery TOUCHSTONE TEXTS Stephen B. Chapman, series editor
The story of the good Samaritan in Luke 10, one of Jesus’s most well-known parables, continues to fascinate readers with its pow- erful imagery and ethical significance. In this exposition, New Testament scholar Emerson Powery shows how this classic and beloved text can speak afresh to the life of the church today.
“Powery demonstrates how parables continue to surprise us, turn our expectations upside down, and call us to alter our imaginations. He urges us to grasp how reading the Bible is both a spiritual and a political practice, beckoning us to get involved in ‘good trouble.’” —LISA BOWENS, Princeton Theological Seminary “Those who are seeking a simple explanation of the para- ble of the good Samaritan should instead be prepared to be stretched by Powery’s analysis. Powery is present in his work in a winsome and authentic way and models the best of biblical scholarship and pedagogy in theological education.” —CAROL E. LYTCH, president emerita, Lancaster Theological Seminary “Powery offers a sincere invitation for engaged conversa- tions regarding forgiveness, reconciliation, and neighbor- liness.” —NYASHA JUNIOR, author of Reimagining Hagar: Blackness and Bible “A timely, engaging, and provocative book—well suited to the classroom and the church—that demonstrates again and again how interpretation and ethics are tightly inter- twined.” —JOEL B. GREEN, Fuller Theological Seminary “Powery reminds us that when engaging the parable of the good Samaritan, ‘what you see depends on where you stand.’ This book is astonishing in its range and compelling in its vision; I highly recommend it.” —MARY FOSKETT, Wake Forest University “Powery gives fresh and challenging perspectives for in- terpreting and understanding this universally referenced parable. Readers’ intellectual interests will be ignited and the call to a faithful contemporary walk with Jesus made more compelling.” —NATHAN D. BAXTER, Lancaster Theo- logical Seminary; retired bishop, The Episcopal Diocese of Central Pennsylvania
NOW AVAILABLE • 192 pp. • cloth • $24.99 • 9781540960665
Emerson B. Powery (PhD, Duke University) is professor of biblical studies at Messiah University. He is the author of Jesus Reads Scripture and Immersion Bible Studies: Mark and the coauthor of The Genesis of Liberation: Biblical Interpretation in the Antebellum Narratives of the Enslaved . He is also the coeditor of True to Our Native Land: An African American New Testament Commentary .
FROM PARADISE TO THE PROMISED LAND An Introduction to the Pentateuch, 4th ed. T. Desmond Alexander
As the foundation for the Old Testament, the first five books of the Bible are of critical importance. However, most modern studies focus on origin, neglecting actual content. From Paradise to the Promised Land offers a unique alternative by identifying the major themes and offering an overview of the contents of the Pentateuch. Unlike some academic studies, this book focuses on how the books from Genesis to Deuteronomy form a continuous story that provides an important foundation for understanding the whole Bible. This accessible textbook has been a popular introduction to the Pentateuch for over twenty-five years. The new edition has been substantially updated throughout to reflect the author’s refined judgments and to address the future of pentateuchal studies. “A tour de force on the Pentateuch. I have used this volume as a textbook, and the fourth edition now includes an up-to-date discussion of pentateuchal scholarship. A must-read for anyone interested in the Pentateuch. I highly recommend it!” —CAROL M. KAMINSKI, Gordon- Conwell Theological Seminary “A magnificent volume. I have used Alexander’s textbook on the Pentateuch in my courses for many years. He now offers a carefully revised, expanded, and updated fourth edition that will carry us into the future.” —RICHARD E. AVERBECK, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School “An outstanding study of the Pentateuch that every student and minister of Scripture should read. It is exeget- ically grounded, thematically organized, and theologically rich. Furthermore, Alexander skillfully navigates through various critical approaches to pentateuchal studies in a way that takes Scripture for what it is: God speaking.” —OREN R. MARTIN, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and Boyce College
NOW AVAILABLE • 448 pp. • paper • $36.99 • 9781540963406
T. Desmond Alexander (PhD, The Queen’s University, Belfast) is senior lecturer in biblical studies and director of postgraduate studies at Union Theological College in Belfast, Northern Ireland. He has written numerous books, including two commentaries on Exodus, and coedited the New Dictionary of Biblical Theology and the Dictionary of the Old Testament: Pentateuch .
INTRODUCING OLD TESTAMENT THEOLOGY Creation, Covenant, and Prophecy in the Divine-Human Relationship W. H. Bellinger Jr.
W. H. Bellinger Jr. offers a concise, student-level theology of the entire Old Testament, from its beginnings through the Pentateuch, Historical Books, Psalms, Wisdom literature, and prophetic books. He uses ancient Israel’s confession of faith, the Psalms, to intro- duce the sweep of Old Testament theology: creation, covenant, and prophecy. Bellinger demonstrates how these three theological dimensions each entail a portrayal of God and invite a human response to God. Bellinger also discusses how to appropriate Old Testament theology for contemporary life. “It is clear from this work that the enterprise of Old Testament theology is well, healthy, and demanding. Bellinger’s discussion is sure to evoke new explorations.” —WALTER BRUEGGEMANN, Columbia Theological Seminary (emeritus) “I am confident that this book will prove eminently useful in a wide range of courses on the Old Testament and its theology.” —BRENT A. STRAWN, Duke University “This volume will be a valuable resource for professors, students, and pastors.” —NANCY L. DE CLAISSÉ-WALFORD, McAfee School of Theology, Mercer University “Bellinger’s judicious exegetical insights are matched by his keen conceptual thinking—a perfect combination for a theological introduction.” —WILLIAM P. BROWN, Columbia Theological Seminary “Bellinger invites readers to ponder select theological ideas that he draws out from his reading of ‘Older Testament’ texts. The volume reinforces the point that readers create meanings for biblical texts and that all theological content needs to be assessed critically and hermeneutically.” —CAROL J. DEMPSEY, University of Portland “Bellinger’s elegant presentation of creation, covenant, and prophecy keeps the movement of the Old Testament’s narrative in view while attending to the complexity and diversity of its literary components.” —MARK M C ENTIRE, Belmont University “I hope professors will take this book up, offer it to their students, and lean into Bellinger’s creative thinking and expansive grace as he leads us through the text. A gift worth exploring.” —VALERIE BRIDGEMAN, Methodist Theological School in Ohio
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W. H. Bellinger Jr. (PhD, University of Cambridge) is professor of religion emeritus at Baylor University. He has served on the editorial board of Catholic Biblical Quarterly and has written several volumes on the Psalms.
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TURNING POINTS Decisive Moments in the History of Christianity, 4th ed. Mark A. Noll, David Komline, and Han-luen Kantzer Komline This popular introduction to church history isolates fourteen key moments that provide a framework for understanding the history of Christianity. The fourth edition more thoroughly highlights the importance of women in Christian history and the impact of world Christianity. It also includes a new preface, updates throughout the book, revised “further readings” for each chapter, new sidebar content, and study questions. “Twenty-five years after it first appeared, Turning Points is a classic study of the church’s story, and all the more useful now in this revised and attractive new edition.” —TIMOTHY GEORGE, Beeson Divinity School, Samford University “Noll, Komline, and Kantzer Komline are the guides you need to learn the church history we all should know.” —BETH ALLISON BARR, Baylor University “A classic is now (somehow!) even better. You simply won’t find a better introduction to the history of Christianity.” —HEATH W. CARTER, Princeton Theological Seminary “A magnificent, well-written, and resourceful survey.” —VICTOR I. EZIGBO, Bethel University “These latest updates enhance and ensure the ongoing impact of this useful textbook for a new generation of students.” —JENNIFER POWELL M C NUTT, Wheaton College “This fourth edition is a welcome arrival for both students and teachers of church history. I heartily recommend it.” —HELEN RHEE, Westmont College “This fourth edition has been improved in thoughtful ways and brought thoroughly up-to-date.” —TIMOTHY LARSEN, Wheaton College 9. Catholic Reform and Worldwide Outreach: The Founding of the Jesuits (1540) 10. The New Piety: The Conversion of the Wesleys (1738) 11. Discontents of the Modern West: The French Revolution (1789) 12. A Faith for All the World: The Edinburgh Missionary Conference (1910) 13. Mobilizing for the Future: The Second Vatican Council (1962–65) and the Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization (1974) Afterword: The Character of Christianity and the Search for Turning Points Study Questions Index
OCTOBER 2022 • 368 pp. • paper • $29.99 • 9781540964885
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Mark A. Noll (PhD, Vanderbilt University) is research professor of history at Regent College in Vancouver and professor of history emeritus at the University of Notre Dame. David Komline (PhD, University of Notre Dame) is associate professor of church history at Western Theological Seminary in Holland, Michigan. Han-luen Kantzer Komline (PhD, University of Notre Dame) is associate professor of church history and theology at Western Theological Seminary.
Preface to the Fourth Edition Introduction: The Idea of Turning Points and Reasons for Studying the History of Christianity 1. The Church Pushed Out on Its Own: The Fall of Jerusalem (70) 2. Realities of Empire: The Council of Nicaea (325) 3. Doctrine, Politics, and Life in the Word: The Council of Chalcedon (451) 4. The Monastic Rescue of the Church: Benedict’s Rule (530) 5. The Culmination of Christendom: The Coronation of Charlemagne (800) 6. Division between East and West: The Great Schism (1054) 7. The Beginnings of Protestantism: The Diet of Worms (1521) 8. Church and Nation: The English Act of Supremacy (1534)
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