2024 e.Republic Custom Content Catalog

Point-of-View Content

White Papers Written from an independent perspective, white papers are eight-page reports that educate the market on an important topic. Each year, we produce white papers aligned to the critical needs of government and education, with topics identified by our Research team. These papers are available for sponsors to underwrite once they are completed. White papers contain no mention of the sponsoring company within the content but acknowledge the underwriter on the back cover. Issue Briefs Issue Briefs are four-page reports that cover a current topic. Written by our market experts, they provide a rapid and simple explanation of trending issues from an independent perspective. Like white papers, issue briefs are available for sponsors to underwrite once they are completed. They contain no mention of the sponsoring company within the content but acknowledge the underwriter on the back cover.

A rtificial intelligence will likely define the next stage of government transformation. But it also comes with risks if it isn’t governed appropriately. Chief data officers (CDOs) are invaluable in helping their organizations under- stand, govern and optimize the data that fuels AI solutions, especially in the era of generative AI (GenAI). “We want to unlock all the wonderful ways GenAI will improve government, but we have to create these solutions with a degree of fairness, making AI secure, accountable and transparent,” says Adita Karkera, Chief Data Officer for Government and Public Services, Deloitte Consulting LLP, a role in which she advises public sector CDOs on their data and AI practices. “CDOs have a critical role to play because this is all driven by data. CDOs will be those champions that are going to help prioritize the data and governance.”

Data at the Heart Data is the foundation of AI models and algorithms. To maximize AI’s potential — and take advantage of GenAI — state and local govern- ments and education (SLED) organizations will need to better harness their data. CDOs understand the data ecosystem and how to shape it. They know what use cases will have high impact and which are feasible. And they’re positioned to actively engage with elected and executive leaders. They’re already involved in efforts to ensure data quality and integrity, but CDOs will play a pivotal role in crafting effective data and AI gover- nance policies, as well as policy frameworks for responsible, ethical AI. “Data is what’s fueling AI solutions,” Karkera says. “AI solutions are only going to be as good and trustworthy as the data that’s fed into them. The CDO plays a key part in managing and ensuring the data that is fed into GenAI solutions is trustworthy.” Data quality is essential, but it’s also important for agencies to get started where they can and iterate and improve along the way, says Hari Murthy, a Managing Director of Government and Public Services, Deloitte Consulting LLP. “Data is central to GenAI, but don’t wait for perfection of data before realizing its capabilities,” he says. “Achieving high-quality results with GenAI models typically requires about three to four months dedicated to training on relevant data.”

“AI solutions are only going to be as good and trustworthy as the data that’s fed into them.” Adita Karkera, Chief Data Officer, Government and Public Services, Deloitte Consulting LLP

Why sponsor pre-made content? Underwriting aligns your brand with a critical topic in the market and it can be delivered within a week. And like our other content offerings, we host your content on govtech.com for a year to ensure that this important thought leadership gets in front of the right audience. (We receive over 50,000 downloads each year!)

Have an idea for a white paper or issue brief? Let’s talk!

A CDO Roadmap for More Effective AI Assess data readiness

AI requires high-quality data. Before implementing AI tools, orga- nizations must make sure their data is clean and accessible and can be integrated across departmental lines. CDOs must determine where their organization stands on data findability, accessibility,




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