Our CSR Approach - Retrospective 2023




2.2 Developing an inclusive environment

Alongside Café Joyeux since 2021 We have been partners with Café Joyeux , the first network of socially responsible cafés-restaurants committed to the inclusion of people with mental or cognitive disabilities, since 2021. In fact, in 2021, when we evolved one of our areas of expertise, historically focused on social dimensions and human values, to specifically address the theme of inclusion and disability, this change was accompanied by a partnership with Café Joyeux. As part of this partnership, we donate a portion of the management fees from this strategy, through sharing shares, to the Emeraude Solidaire Endowment Fund, a non-profit organization and the sole shareholder of the Café Joyeux Group. In addition to financial support, we help raise awareness of the initiative and Café Joyeux products among our clients and teams through communications and specific events. Our employees are also encouraged to place coffee orders with the company, benefiting from preferential rates.

Facilitating the professional integration of people with disabilities We have structured our approach to the integration of people with disabilities around four key areas:

Equal opportunities We are members of the AFG Diversity Club , whose purpose is to promote diversity and inclusion in the asset management sector, raise awareness, share best practices, support initiatives, and measure progress in diversity and inclusion. As part of this, we contribute to the development of the AFG’s reference documentation on all these topics. We are also sponsors of Demos , an association that works to promote cultural democratization through orchestral music practice. It offers classical music education to children aged 7 to 12 who do not have easy access to this practice due to economic, social, or geographical reasons. Age diversity We have signed an agreement on Management of jobs and professional career paths with a reaffirmation of support for employees at the end of their careers and the organization of knowledge transfer . To better prepare for retirement, certain provisions are in place within our Group: retirement forecast assessments, retirement information meetings with one of the basic or supplementary pension schemes, meetings with HR to discuss future retirement plans, and more.

- Communication with our employees on this topic

- Raising awareness about the benefits of declaring one’s status as a disabled worker

- Supporting our employees through necessary workplace adjustments

- Recruiting people with disabilities In 2023, we appointed a disability reference person within the Human Resources department and created a dedicated section on disability on our Intranet. We also participated in three forums in partnership with 100% Handinamique organization that we also sup- port via the Apprenticeship Tax, and held a conference on Taking a New Look at Disability in Business . Finally, for service provision, our employees have been encouraged to work with adapted companies or establishments providing work assistance services , in order to promote the integration of people with disabilities into the professional world.

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Rothschild & Co Asset Management - Rapport RSE - 2024

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