2.1 Making equity a driver of success We pay particular attention to the principles of equity and gender equality through the implementation of dedicated initiatives. To measure the results obtained, we monitor the evolution of gender classifications with the aim of ensuring a fair progression between women and men at all company levels.
Balanced representativeness within the investment divisions As part of the French Rixain Law, which aims to accelerate economic and professional equality, we had set a target of 30% women by the end of 2022 among the teams, bodies, and leaders responsible for making investment decisions within our entity. A new target of 40% by 2026 has been established, with the hope of achieving balanced representation thereafter. Support systems for female employees To support female employees who wish to advance in their careers, coaching workshops and a mentorship program are offered starting at certain levels of responsibility through the “Shine” initiative . These programs, launched at the Rothschild & Co level, help share best practices, expand networks, and foster cross-functional collaboration between different business areas and offices.
Professional economic equality
We measure the gender pay gap within Rothschild & Co through the professional equality index , calculated accord- ing to the scale provided by the French Ministry of Labor, Health, and Solidarity. In 2023, our Group scored 82/100 . We achieved the maximum score on three indicators: individual salary increases gap, promotion gap, and the percentage of women receiving salary increases after returning from maternity leave. However, we need to make progress on two indicators: the pay gap and the number of underrepresented gender employees among the top ten highest salaries. To this end, objectives have been set in a collective agreement for gender equality signed in August 2022. Additionally, we strive to always present both female and male candidates at the start of the process and at least one female candidate during the final selection process, when possible.
Rothschild & Co Asset Management - 2024 CSR Report
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