How To Manage Your Dizziness And Balance Problem

THE SOLUTION TO YOUR DIZZINESS AND BALANCE PROBLEMS W hether your issue is due to an inner ear problem or a lack of strength and balance, there are effective treatments that can help! Do not settle for living a life of fear or limitation. After performing a thorough assessment, your Physical Therapist will develop a plan to address the causes identified that may put you at risk of falling or address the inner ear issue causing you to feel dizzy. When it comes to reducing fall risk, PTs are truly the experts and have a large body of research showing the benefits of skilled physical therapy at reducing your fall risk. We are able to develop an exercise program for you that will be appropriate for your condition and specific to the systems causing your problem. PTs will evaluate your posture, your strength, your range of


motion, your conditioning status and the 3 major systems that contribute to balance and control. We then work with you to set goals and develop a plan to make consistent progress towards achieving them. One common treatment performed by Physical Therapists is called Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy (VRT). VRT is a program based on exercise meant to encourage compensation in the nervous system that help correct problems from the inner ear. Our physical therapists will first do a thorough evaluation of your medical history, balance, gait and any movements you commonly need to do to compensate for your balance problems.

We will then develop a treatment plan ‘tailor-made’ to your condition. This planmay include such things as specific head, body and eye exercises and these will be intended to retrain the brain to better process signals from the inner

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