How To Manage Your Dizziness And Balance Problem


A chieving good balance when walking, getting out of the chair and getting out of bed in the middle of the night is one of those things like a sixth sense; we just know how to do it. However, when we are getting older, some people find this sixth sense doesn’t work as well as it used to. Doctors report that people over sixty-five years of age often complain of difficulty in balancing; they feel unsteady at times. Unfortunately, it’s not unusual for people to fall, and that can lead to much more serious problems and consequences.


SYMPTOMS OF DIZZINESS These can vary. Some people complain of a sensation of spinning or vertigo. Some people feel light-headed, all the room spinning around or a feeling of floating rather than being steady on the ground; a feeling something like being on a ship or boat. The practical problem is that these feelings can cause problems walking or they might bring on feeling sick or finding it hard to concentrate or even depressed. People can become afraid to move about and develop a fear of falling that affects everything they do. And worst of all, it makes it much more likely that they will fall again and putting them at a greater risk of injury and the consequences that relate to falling. WHAT ARE THE CAUSES OF THIS DIZZINESS? In many cases, these symptoms are the result of some defect in the functioning of the inner ear. Sometimes the symptoms are due to some disorder in the nervous system of the body, which is responsible for balance, and also the sense

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