of where we are in the space around us (called proprioception). Dizziness is feeling light-headed or not steady or feeling faint. Vertigo is a feeling of spinning around or the feeling that things around us seems to be moving when they are stationary in reality.
Mostpeoplecanfeel occasionallyunsteadyordizzy. Just seeingamovieshowing a car or airplane whizzing through the mountains can make us feel dizzy or unsteady even though we are firmly seated. These are not the sensations that we are concerned about. Of course, there are other causes for lack of balance and dizziness. Car accidents, infections in the inner ear, diseases like Ménière’s disease, brain or nervous system conditions like Parkinson’s disease and even side effects from medication use can all cause balance problems and/or dizziness. Older people often usemedicationsmore frequently and the side effects which often include dizziness are, of course, then more likely to be felt by older people.
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