Feeling dizzy and unbalanced is not necessarily simply part of getting older. There are specific conditions where there are diseases or mechanical issues of the inner ear which can cause us to feel dizzy. While this is true, in many cases the cause is due to, or made worse by, a person’s poor posture, a reduction in their strength, movements and stability. Physical therapists like us, who have expertise in treating balance problems, can perform an expert evaluation to assess your walking, strength, posture, balance, andmovement patterns to assess your risk for falling. We will be able to find out the most likely reason why you are getting dizzy and develop a research-based plan to correct the problem. If appropriate, we will recommend that you see a doctor if it appears there are medication concerns or issues related to your brain or central nervous system. We can quickly screen and help you assess the cause of your dizziness. We are the neuromuscular and balance specialists.
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