Complete Arch Manual

Casework Installation

Completed wood wall and fume hood assembly shown as an exploded view above. (Figure 2) DAMAGES IN SHIPMENT IMPORTANT! PLEASE CHECK YOUR FURNITURE IMMEDIATELY UPON ARRIVAL! Your furniture was accepted by the carrier in good condition and we urge you to inspect each carton for obvious damage to the contents before accepting it. If damage is found, insist that the driver note the damages on the freight bill and sign it. If, after uncrating the furniture, you find concealed damage which was not apparent while the furniture was crated and the driver was on the premises, contact the delivering carrier and request that they send a representative to make an inspection and prepare a concealed damage report. The inspection must be made and a concealed damage report filed within five (5) days after equipment is delivered. If the furniture is stored for period of time and then damage is discovered, trucking companies will not make or honor inspection reports. NET F.O.B. FACTORY OR COLLECT SHIPMENTS - Customer is responsible for filing any claim for damage. NET F.O.B. DESTINATION OR DELIVERED, INSTALLED JOBS - Shipper is responsible for filing claim; however, proper documents must be forwarded to accomplish this. PLEASE NOTE: We cannot make “No Charge” replacement on Prepaid Shipment without proper damage documentation, i.e. Freight Bills, Concealed Damage Reports, Inspection Reports, etc. A. If the damage is such that it can be repaired on the job, we recommend that you have the damage repaired and file your claim with the delivering carrier. | | 877.348.9663


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