Complete Arch Manual

Casework Installation


1. Place all removable back panels in place. 2. If it has been necessary to run conduit on plumbing pipe through plumbing space opening, the panels should be cut to fit around these pipes and reinstalled. 3. All shelves in base cabinets should have hold downs removed and shelves installed on their supports. 4. Each item of furniture should be cleaned inside and out and final adjustment made as follows: a. All wood drawer assemblies are pre-fitted to their respective openings at the factory during the installation process they are sometimes removed from their original locations and installed elsewhere. When this happens they may not operate freely. Should this condition exist, remove the drawer and find the drawer originally fitted to the opening and install it there. This should relieve any binding and allow the drawer to work properly. This procedure should be repeated as many times as necessary until all drawers are returned to their original location. b. When doors bind or are uneven, it is usually an indication the units have settled out of level. Cabinets should be re-leveled. Once this is done, door should align and work freely. Re-level by adding or removing shims as needed. c. In some instances, it may be necessary to adjust a hinge to level doors. If this is the case, the hinge should not be moved more than 1/16”. d. When adjusting doors, it may be necessary to readjust the magnetic catches. This can be done by loosening mounting screw and moving catch forward or backward, as needed. Updated 09-01-2021 | | 877.348.9663


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