Complete Arch Manual

SEFA Results


5.1.1 Purpose of Test The test demonstrates the durability of the door and its hardware to an applied load of 200 pounds. 5.1.2 Test Procedure The shelf was removed and weight was placed on top of the cabinet to prevent it from overturning. A cabinet door was opened 90˚ and a sling with four 50 pound weights was hung over the top of the door, at a point out from the hinge centerline. The door was then slowly moved through the full cycle of the hinge (up to a 160˚ arc). The weight was then removed, the door was swung through its full intended range of motion, and closed. 5.1.3 Acceptance Level There was no significant permanent distortion and the door operated normally after the weight was removed.


5.2.1 Purpose of Test The test demonstrates the resistance to a 240 inch-pound impact to the door face. 5.2.2 Test Procedure Eight, 50 pound solid steel bars were placed on top of the cabinet to prevent overturn- ing. A 20 pound sand bag was then suspended from a pendulum support and dropped providing an impact of 240 inch-pound at the center of a closed door. 5.2.3 Acceptance Level Door and catch operated normally and show no signs of permanent damage.


5.3.1 Purpose of Test The test demonstrates the ability of the door hinge hardware to withstand 100,000 cycles as a reliable measure of longevity. 5.3.2 Test Procedure A cycling mechanism, that swings a door through an arc of 90˚, was operated for 100,000 cycles. 5.3.3 Acceptance Level The door operated for the full 100,000 cycles without deterioration that significantly affected the function of the door. After completion of the test, the door operates freely and without binding. 6.1.1 Purpose of Test The test demonstrates the ability to support a point load given to the front of the drawer and will challenge the attachment of the drawer head to the drawer. 6.1.2 Test Procedure Eight, 50 pound solid steel bars were placed on to of the cabinet to prevent overturning. A drawer was opened to 13” of travel and 150 pounds was hung from the drawer head, at the centerline of the drawer, for 5 minutes. The weight was then removed and the drawer was operated through the full cycle. 6.1.3 Acceptance Level There was no interference with the normal operation of the drawer. DRAWER STATIC LOAD TEST | | 877.348.9663


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