Complete Arch Manual

SEFA Results


7.1.1 Purpose of Test The test demonstrates the ability of a shelf and mounting hardware to support normal laboratory loads. 7.1.2 Test Procedure The shelf was mounted in the manner in which it was designed and a dial indicator was positioned under the center of the shelf and adjusted to zero. Thirteen 10 pound sand bags were uniformly distributed on the shelf to obtain a loading of 40 pounds per square foot of shelf area and the deflection was recorded. The weight was then removed from the shelf. 7.1.3 Acceptance Level The deflection of the shelf under load - 0.245” which is less than the allowable maximum of 0.25.” There was no significant permanent distortion of the shelf. WALL CABINET LOADING TEST 8.1.1 Purpose of Test The test demonstrates the strength of the back of the wall cabinet as well as the joinery of the cabinet and function of the doors when the unit is subjected to loads normally expected for laboratory furniture. 8.1.2 Test Procedure 130 pounds of sand bags, 40 pounds per square foot, were used to load the cabinet bottom, the cabinet top and shelves. With the weight in place the doors were operated through their full travel to verify normal operation. The weight was then removed and the doors were again operated through their full travel to verify normal operation. 8.1.3 Acceptance Level Doors opened and closed normally with and without the weight in place. There is no significant permanent deflection or damage to cabinet, cabinet back, cabinet top, cabinet bottom or shelf. 9.1.1 Purpose of Test This test will demonstrate the structural integrity of the table construction when subjected to a racking load. Most racking failures occur upon dragging an unloaded table across a floor. The ability of a table to resist a racking load will indicate less damage to the structure. The following tests were based on and adapted from ANSI/BIFMA X5.5-1989 American National Standard for Office Furnishings “Desk Products-Tests.” Adjustments have been made to better accommodate the specific applications of tables used in laboratories. 9.1.2 Test Procedure The table shall have a common two-by-four wood rail clamped on the centerline of the top parallel to the ends of the table. The table shall then be positioned at 45º, with one pair of legs on the floor and the other raised and supported (see Figure 14). The table shall then have 250 pounds (113.398 Kg) of weight (five 50-pound (22.679 Kg) bars) placed on its top and held in place by the two-by-four wood rail. The unit shall remain in this position for seventy-two hours. The unit shall be lowered without shock to the leveled surface and the general operation of the drawers shall be evaluated. 9.1.3 Acceptance Level When returned to normal position, the operation of the table was normal, and there was no permanent damage. TABLE TEST | | 877.348.9663


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