Environmental award for St. Thomas Aquinas
son gave a brief history of some of the school’s environmental activities. They in- cluded making mats from milk bags, col- lecting and donating 6,000 items to the food bank in Embrun, Community Clean Up, tree planting, shoreline reconstruc- tion, Envirothon participation, receiving the TriValley environmental award, attending the River Institute in Cornwall, visiting Tim Horton’s camp for nature studies, Living Lo- cally Fair, Marching it On Out Swap Meet, greenhouse, community Giving Garden, Nutrients for Life participation, horticultural entries in the Russell Fair, decorating the church with flowers, opening a weather sta-
tion at the school, battery recycling, school solar panel installation, and environmental field trips. The school has partnered with many or- ganizations including the food bank and
the Russell Horticultural Society, who had representatives at the celebration. “This is everyone’s award,” said Jackson. “The school’s and the community’s.”
CANDICE VETTER candice.vetter@eap.on.ca
RUSSELL l St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic High School in Russell was one of 30 win- ners of the ECOCanada environmental award. ECOCanada recognized the school’s many environmental stewardship activities by forwarding a certificate and $1000 to the school for environmental programs. At the ceremony on Friday, October 25, environmental sciences teacher Ann Jack-
Scary sights in Russell
Photo Candice Vetter
Photo Candice Vetter
St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic High School in Russell was one of 30 winners of the ECO- Canada environmental award. ECOCanada recognized the school’s many environ- mental stewardship activities by forwarding a certificate and $1000 to the school for environmental programs. Above, CDSBEO directorWilliamGartland and superinten- dent Tom Jordan.
Scary sights hang from this tree in a Russell yard as Halloween approaches.
La Cité collégiale SOIRÉE PORTES OUVERTES 12 novembre 2013, de 17 h à 21 h
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