OSRPT: Physical Therapy Solutions For Hip & Knee Pain

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What Do My Symptoms Mean?

Aching or stiffness around the groin is likely coming from the hip joint. Although some think the outer aspect of their pelvis is the “hip,” they are really referring to muscles and not the joint itself. Clarifying the location of your pain will help your physical therapist figure out the source of your pain and the appropriate plan to resolve it. The inner aspect of the knee is commonly thought to be where most people experience early joint pain or cartilage injury. Pain along the outer aspect of the knee is typically due to tendon related injury or inflammation. A decreased range of motion and difficulty bearing weight can also be signs of deeper problems which may indicate a more serious condition that warrants seeking help sooner than later. Ignoring your pain, or waiting too long to be seen can make the problem worse and eliminate simple solutions. Often it’s inactivity and avoiding movement that can contribute to immobility and pain. We know that our joints need movement for blood flow and nutrition to stay healthy. While some hip, knee and leg pains go away, those lasting longer than several months may be hinting at a deeper issue. How physical therapy helps Education, exercise and weight loss are cornerstones of a successful outcome. Your physical therapist will assess your particular condition

to identify the contributing factors and address all of them. Physical therapists are skilled at hands-on intervention and exercise selection for the most comprehensive and appropriate intervention to help you resolve your pain and/or restore your function. In many cases, physical therapy can help patients increase mobility, strength and function. Your therapist will design a program to restore lost motion, build your strength and teach you strategies for reducing pain and increasing your activity level. Your therapist can help you reclaim a healthy lifestyle. From start to finish, we’re dedicated to your ongoing well-being. On every level, physical therapy serves to enhance the patient’s quality of life. Contact one of our providers today, and tell us about your symptoms. We offer the results you are looking for! Sources: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33560326/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30126395/ https://www.usnews.com/news/health-news/articles/2021-07-29/more-than-half-of-americans-plagued- by-back-leg-pain https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25591130/

At-Home Exercise

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Strengthens hips

CLAMSHELLS Lie on your side with your hips at 45 degrees and your knees bent to 90 degrees. Your heels are in line with your head, torso, and hips. Rotate your hips and knees apart (like a clam opening) while remaining contact with your heels. Keep the top hip parallel with the ceiling. Lower your leg to the starting position and repeat on other side. You should feel a stretch in the outer hip of your top leg. Repeat 10 times on each side.

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Always consult with your physical therapist or physician before beginning an exercise you are unsure of.

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