DVORAC GRAŠALKOVIĆ Na samo 30 kilometara od mađarske prestoni- ce nalazi se gradić Gedele, a u njemu najveća ba- rokna palata u Mađarskoj – dvorac Grašalković. U pitanju je jedan od najvažnijih spomenika ma- đarske arhitekture. Možete li zamisliti da je ovde nekada bio dom i lovište kraljeva? Ako ste oduvek bili zainteresovani za život aristokratije i rado bi- ste provirili u njihovu svakodnevicu, ovo je naj- bolja destinacija. Istorija baroknog dvorca počela je 1735. godine, kada je miljenik Marije Terezije, grof Antal Grašalković, prvi počeo sa izgradnjom, a prema planovima arhitekte Andraša Majerhofera. Tada su se izgradile svečane dvorane, kraljev- ske odaje, rimokatolička crkva, koja je i danas u funkciji, i malo barokno kameno pozorište, u ko- me su tada povremeno nastupale nemačke trupe iz Budima, Pešte i Đera. Ujedno to je i najstarije do danas očuvano kameno pozorište sa kulisama u Mađarskoj. Za vreme vladavine porodice Grašal ković napravljen je i veličanstveni francuski park. Nakon porodice Grašalković dvorac je imao više vlasnika, sve dok ga 1867. godine mađarska drža- va nije otkupila, obnovila i poklonila kralju Franji Josifu I i kraljici Elizabeti Bavarskoj povodom kru- nisanja. Kasnije je dvorac postao omiljeno odma- ralište kraljevskog para. Kada bi ovaj dvorac mo- gao da priča, imao bi svašta da nam kaže o životu velikog Franje Josifa I i čuvene Sisi, kako je gla- sio nadimak Elizabete Bavarske. Baštovani dvor- ca su želeli da ugode Sisi, pa su pre njenog dolaska ispod njenog prozora uvek sadili omiljeno cveće: ljubičice i dan i noć, a prilikom svojih poseta Sisi je okupljala oko sebe krem aristokratije i organi- zovala konjičke trke i pohode u lov. U dvorcu vas čeka više stalnih postavki. Istra- žite život kraljice Elizabete Bavarske, otkrijte kra- ljevske odaje koje čuvaju originalni nameštaj i način života čuvenih grofova. Nakon razgledanja prosto- rija dvorca obavezno prošetajte prelepom botanič- kom baštom. A nakon šetnje kroz istoriju zaputi- te se do konjičkog parka Lazar udaljenog samo 10 kilometara i uživajte u zagrljaju prirode, konjičkoj tradiciji i mađarskim specijalitetima.
GRASSALKOVICH CASTLE Located just 30 kilometres from the Hungarian capital is the small town of Gödöllő, home to the larg- est Baroque palace in Hungary: the Royal Palace of Gödöllő, aka Grassalkovich Castle. One of the most im- portant monuments of Hungarian architecture, can you even imagine that this was once a home and hunting grounds of kings? If you’ve always had an interest in the life of the aristocracy and would gladly take a peek into their everyday life, this is the best destination for you. The history of this Baroque castle dates back to 1735, when Empress Maria Theresa’s favourite confi- dant, Count Antal Grassalkovich I, began construction based on the designs of architect András Mayerhoffer. It was then that he had built banquet halls, roy- al chambers, a Roman Catholic church that remains in use to this day and a small baroque stone theatre that would occasionally host performances of German troupes from Buda, Pest and Győr. This is also the old- est stone theatre with coulisses in Hungary that has been preserved to this day. A magnificent French park was also built on the grounds during the period of the reign of the Grassalkovich family. Ownership of the castle changed hands several times after the Grassalkovich family, only for it to be bought in 1867 by the Hungarian state, which restored it and gifted it to King Franz Joseph I and Queen Elis- abeth of Bavaria on the occasion of their coronation. The castle subsequently became a favourite holiday home for the royal couple. If this palace were able to talk, it would surely have plenty to tell us about the life of the great Franz Joseph I and the famous Sisi, as Elisabeth of Bavaria was affectionately nicknamed. The castle’s gardeners wanted Sisi to feel as pleasant as possible, so prior to her arrival they would always plant her favourite flowers under her window: day and night violets, while during her visits Sisi would gath- er around her the cream of the aristocracy and organ- ise horse races and hunting trips. You are awaited at this palace by several permanent exhibition settings. Explore the life of Queen Elisabeth of Bavaria, discover royal chambers that preserve the original furniture and lifestyle of the famous counts. After touring the premises of the castle, be sure to check out the grounds and stroll through the beautiful botanical garden. And after walking through history, head to the nearby Lázár Equestrian Park, just 10 kilo- metres away, and enjoy the warm embrace of nature, the equestrian tradition and Hungarian specialities.
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Kada bi ovaj dvorac mogao da priča, imao bi svašta da nam kaže o životu velikog Franje Josifa I i čuvene Sisi, kako je glasio nadimak Elizabete Bavarske If this palace were able to talk, it would surely have plenty to tell us about the life of the great Franz Joseph I and the famous Sisi, as Elisabeth of Bavaria was affectionately nicknamed
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