Elevate September 2023 | Air Serbia


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Koju biste destinaciju na koju leti Er Srbija iz- dvojili u septembru? – Er Srbija je u ovoj godini zaista zabeležila izvan- redne rezultate. Naša mreža je obogaćena brojnim novim destinacijama. Ukusi su različiti, ali je svaka od destinacija vredna pažnje i može biti jedno novo ne- zaboravno iskustvo. Ako bih baš morao da biram, to bi bila neka od destinacija na Jadranu, koji je najlepši u septembru. Temperature su prijatne, a period gužvi je prošao. Dakle, neka budu Tivat, Pula, Rijeka, Zadar ili Dubrovnik. Aleksandra Davidovića, kapetana

Aleksandar Davidović, captain

Which of the destinations that Air Serbia flies to would you single out in September? “Air Serbia has recorded really exceptional results this year. Our network has been enriched with a large number of new destinations. Tastes vary, but each of the destinati- ons is worthy of attention and can provide an unforgetta- ble new experience. If I really had to choose, I would opt for one of the destinations on the Adriatic, which is at its most beautiful in September – temperatures are pleasant

and the period of peak crowds has pas- sed. So, let it be Tivat, Pula, Rijeka, Zadar or Dubrovnik.” This issue of Elevate is dedicated to the Austrian capital. Have you had an opportunity to get acqua- inted with Vienna? “I’ve had an opportunity to fly to and familiarise myself with Vienna. The ama- zing architecture and rich cultural offer of this former imperial city have made it one of the most beloved tourist destina- tions, while it has been turned into a city of music by the big four: Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven and Schubert. Vienna isn’t only about waltzes, beautiful castles and rich museum collections, rather it’s also a place where you can relax with a slice of Sachertorte, enjoy panoramic views from the Giant Ferris Wheel or vi- sit what many consider to be the best zoo in Europe.”

Ovaj broj „Elevejta“ posvećen je austrijskoj prestonici. Jeste li imali prilike da upoznate Beč? – Imao sam priliku da letim i da upoznam Beč. Zadivljujuća arhitektu- ra i bogata kulturna ponuda nekada carskog grada učinili su ga jednom od omiljenih turističkih destinacija, a velika četvorka, Hajdn, Mocart, Beto- ven i Šubert, gradom muzike. Beč ni- su samo valceri, prelepi dvorci i bo- gate muzejske kolekcije već i mesto u kome se možete opustiti uz saher tortu, uživati u pogledu sa velikog pa- noramskog točka ili posetiti, po mno- gima, najbolji zoološki vrt u Evropi. U flotu je nedavno stigao „em- braer E-195“. Šta možete da nam kažete o tom avionu? – „Embraer“ je brazilski proizvo-

The Air Serbia fleet was recently joined by an Em- braer E-195. What can you tell us about this air- craft? “Embraer is a Brazilian aircraft manufacturer, while the 195 series represents one of its latest models. It is popu- lar among travellers thanks to its comfort and among air- lines thanks to it being economical. Embraer represents a great choice for our company, because it has approxi- mately 100-seat capacity in the passenger cabin. Con- sidering that our fleet already has ATR 72-600 planes wi- th 72 seats and Airbus 319/320 planes with around 180 seats, this will have a significant impact on flight planning and optimisation.”

đač aviona, dok serija 195 predstavlja jedan od naj- novijih modela. Popularan je među putnicima zbog svoje udobnosti, a među avio-kompanijama zbog svoje ekonomičnosti. „Embraer“ predstavlja sjajan iz- bor za našu kompaniju jer raspolaže kapacitetom od oko 100 sedišta u putničkoj kabini. S obzirom na to da u floti imamo i „ATR 72-600“ sa 72 sedišta i „erbas 319/320“ sa oko 180 sedišta, ovo će značajno uticati na optimizaciju i planiranje letova.

Ako bih baš morao da biram, izabrao bih neku od destinacija na Jadranu, koji je najlepši u septembru If I really had to choose, I would opt for one of the destinations on the Adriatic, which is at its most beautiful in September

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