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80 min.
Carpe diem! Beč na dan
Carpe diem! A day out in Vienna
Našli ste se u Beču ili samo prolazite kroz carski grad ili ste ciljano došli na samo jedan dan, i pitate se da li je mo - guće za tako kratko vreme osetiti šarm austrijske metropole i videti makar deo čuvenih zdanja. Moguće je! Spremite udobnu obuću i izoštrite čula!
You find yourself in Vienna, either passing through the imperial city or having intentionally arrived for a daytrip, and you’re wondering if it‘s possible, in such a short ti - me, to be able to feel the charm of the Austrian metro - polis and check out at least some of its famous edifices. It is indeed possible! Prepare comfortable footwear and unleash your senses!
Er Srbija do austrijske prestonice tokom letnje se - zone leti i do tri puta dnevno, pa ukoliko dosad niste bili u Beču, pravo je vreme da odete. Ruta između glavnih gradova Srbije i Austrije jedna je od najtra - ženijih, pa možete da birate vreme za posetu. Ovoga puta donosimo dajdžest verziju ako imate samo je - dan dan na raspolaganju, ali jasno je da ćete se car - skom gradu sigurno vraćati...
Air Serbia flies to the Austrian capital up to three ti - mes a day during the summer season. So, if you’ve yet to experience Vienna, now is the right time to do so. The route between the Serbian and Austrian capi - tals is among the most popular, so you can choose the best time for you to visit. We’re bringing you the digest version, for when you have just one day available, but you’ll clearly be coming back to this imperial city...
Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 19
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