Elevate September 2023 | Air Serbia


TIMSKI RAD Od ove godine festival se okreće kolektivnim umetničkim

praksama, pa je tako na selekciji 57. izdanja radio

selektorski tim koji čine Nikita Milivojević (umetnički direktor), Tijana Grumić (dramaturškinja festivala) i Ksenija Đurović (producentkinja programa). „Oslanjajući se na svoja različita iskustva, kurirali smo program tako da on predstavi radove koji odražavaju jedinstvena interesovanja i perspektive svakog iz selektorskog tima. Zasnovana na principima međusobne podrške i razmene, zajednička tematska linija predstava glavnog programa se ogleda u otporu, pobuni i nepristajanju“, navodi selektorski trio.

Teamwork As of this year’s edition, the fe- stival is turning to collective ar- tistic practices, and thus the selections for the 57 th edition were made by a team of sele- ctors comprising Nikita Milivo- jević (artistic director), Tijana Grumić (festival dramaturge) and Ksenija Đurović (program- me producer). “We curated the programme of this year‘s festival so that it presents artworks that refle- ct the unique interests and per- spectives of each member of the co-selector team… Relying on principles of mutual su- pport and exchange within our context, the common thema- tic line of the plays of the main programme is reflected in resi- stance, rebellion and non-con- formity,” note the selection te- am trio.

40 | Pozorište » Theatre

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