Memories 2017 Entertainment Brochure

Apr i l 21s t - 30th Comedy

By Ludm i lla Bollow The rest room lounge of an outdated department store is the last place you’d expect to unearth every hope, dream, and fear, but when Winifred, a woman frail of mind but strong of heart, is threatened, she must rely on the fortitude of her friends to protect her freedom. With Myrah’s rambunctious antics and sharp tongue, Violet’s soft-spoken, elegant poise, and Winifred’s haunted past, these three women find themselves thrown into a series of bizarre, yet poignant, events. "Visit to Rosenblooms is worth the trip. Quirky characters, punchy lines and light hearted humor." - Driftwood News, Canada

Apr i l 2017 FRI Sat Sun 21 22 23 28 29 30 E v e E v e Ma t E v e Ma t E v e Ma t

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