Elevate January 2023 | Air Serbia

Confirming that there’s nothing better for Serbs than homemade plum rakija is the practise that has for centuries seen every conversation, event or celebration traditionally complemented with a good glass of this homemade tipple. And now the world has also recognised its importance

novića srpska šljivovica imala je veliki ugled i bila služena na car- skim i kraljevskim dvorovima ši- rom Evrope. Za stručnjake nema dileme da je među mnogim dobrim srpskim voćnim rakijama najbolja baš šlji- vovica jer ima najkompleksniji ka- rakter i fantastičnu transformaciju tokom starenja u hrastovim bura- dima. Tehnika proizvodnje šljivovi- ce veoma je slična proizvodnji ko- njaka i viskija, ali tajni sastojak je ljubav šljivovice i hrastovine. Ono što je nama možda i najvažnije je- ste to da u ovom fantastičnom piću mogu da uživaju i svi gosti Er Sr- bije. U avionima srpske nacional- ne avio-kompanije služi se tradici- onalna šljivovica stara tri godine. Zato uživajte u letu i nazdravite!

ŠLJIVOVICA, PLUM RAKIJA, HAS BEEN MADE BY HAND and drunk in Serbia for centuries, which is a custom that’s been passed down from generation to generation to be- come part of the national identity. That’s why social practises and kno- whow related to the preparation and use of this traditional plum spirit, as an element of Serbia’s intangible cultural heritage, were last month added to the UNESCO Represent- ative List of the Cultural Heritage of Humanity. Šljivovica is a typical Serbian product, as it is made from a local- ly grown fruit, the humble plum, which is widely available, and is drunk to mark hosts’ celebrations, mourning, to welcome guests and commemorate important events. Šljivovica is part of people’s lives from beginning to end, and has always been integral to the iden- tity of the Serbian people. Ac- cording to one belief, the best place to lay the foundations of a new house is

in abundance, because that will en- sure the house will always be hap- py, exuding good health and pro- gress. When those blessed plums were cooked to make rakija, the head of the household would don a clean, impeccably ironed shirt and put on a new šajkača cap. Plums and plum rakija have always had such an im- portant place in the culture, tradi- tion and everyday life of these lands. The very word rakija is derived from the Arabic words al rak, mean- ing to sweat, so it is assumed to have entered the Serbian language under Turkish influence. Precisely when the production of strong al- coholic spirits began in our coun- try has not been determined. A long time between drinks passed from old Slavic meads to modern fruit rakijas, but what is known is that the first major production of raki- ja and its development to become the national drink are linked to the 19 th century and the region of Šu- madija. During the reign of Prince Miloš Obrenović, Serbian šljivovi- ca had a great reputation and was served at imperial and royal courts throughout Europe. For experts, there’s no di- lemma about šljivovica being the best among the many good Serbi- an fruit spirits, because it has the most complex character and under- goes a fantastic transformation dur- ing the process of aging in oak bar- rels. The technique for producing šljivovica is very similar to the pro- duction of cognac and whisky, but the secret ingredient is the love be- tween šljivovica and oak. Perhaps the most important fact for us is that this fantastic drink can also be enjoyed by all Air Serbia guests. Tra- ditional, three-year-old, plum rakija is served aboard the planes of the Serbian national airline. So, enjoy your flight and cheers!

Tekst / Words: Jelena Pantović Fotografije / Photography: Depositphotos

Prethodno su na Uneskovu listu uvršćeni pevanje uz gusle, kolo, slava i zlakusko lončarstvo Added previously to the UNESCO list are singing to the accompaniment of the gusle fiddle, the kolo dance, slava patron saint days and Zlakusko pottery

where the plum tree bears fruit

Serbia » Srbija | 105

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