KELN Grad leži na reci Raj- ni i bogat je turističkim atrakcijama i kultur- nim dešavanjima. Sim- bol grada je Kelnska ka- tedrala iz davne 1248. godine, koju je, zbog im-
Er Srbija će od 18. maja za Keln leteti svakog utorka, četvrtka i subote Starting from 18 th May, Air Serbia will operate flights to Cologne every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
presivne gotičke arhitektu- re, izuzetnih vitraža i drugih važnih umetničkih dela, Une- sko uvrstio na listu svetske ba- štine. Najposecenija kulturna in- stitucija u Kelnu, sa oko 600.000 posetilaca godišnje, jeste Muzej čokolade, a pažnju turista privla- če i Romano-germanski muzej, Muzej „Ludvig“, kao i Muzej mirisa. Osim iz Beograda, do Kelna mo- žete leteti i sa Aerodroma „Kon- stantin Veliki“ u Nišu.
COLOGNE Cologne lies on the Rhine River and is rich in tour- ist attractions and cultural events. The main symbol of the city is Cologne Ca- thedral, which dates back to 1248 and has been in- cluded on the UNESCO World Heritage List thanks to its impressive Gothic architecture, exception- al stained-glass windows and other important art- works. Cologne’s most visited cultural institu- tion, attracting around 600,000 visitors annu- ally, is the Chocolate Mu- seum, while the Roma- no-Germanic Museum, Museum Ludwig and the Fragrance Museum are also major tourist attrac- tions. In addition to Bel- grade, you can also fly to Cologne from Niš Con- stantine the Great Airport.
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