Three questions for...
Andrija Velimirović, first officer
Air Serbia has announced the addition of a large number of new destinations for this spring. Which of them are you looking forward to the most and why? “I’m happiest about the establis- hing of flights to Chicago, which, alon- gside New York, will be Air Serbia’s se- cond destination in America, and which is one of the main hubs of the diaspora of our region. Passengers will be able to reach the American Midwest with ease on our Airbus 330, and from the- re either continue their journey across America or enjoy all the beauty of the Windy City.” The time has come for winter ma- gic; which mountain would you most like to “take” us to? “It’s nice to spend the time of the winter break on a mountain, where all family members can enjoy skiing, sled- ging, snowball fights or making a snow- man. The Alps are among the most be- loved destinations for skiing. Air Serbia, with its flights to Milan, Zurich and Lju- bljana, can quickly and easily carry you closer to your final mountaintop desti- nation.” You were deployed on the first fights to China. What was it like to fy such a long way? “From a pilot’s point of view, the fli- ght to Tianjin is a routine one. Flights to China are operated with an extended piloting and cabin crew, due to the long flight time, so each crew member has the right to take a break during the flight. Flights to Tianjin take place at night, wi- th the flight lasting around 10 hours and landing at dawn. The return flight to Bel- grade lasts about 11 and a half hours. It operatesduringthedaytime,soyoucan enjoy the view. The distance from Bel- grade to Tianjin is approximately 7,500 kilometres and the flightpath crosses Bulgaria, the Black Sea, Georgia, Azer- baijan, the eastern slopes of the Cau- casus, the Caspian and Aral seas, so- uthern Kazakhstan and northern parts of China, including the Gobi Desert.”
Najviše me raduje uspostavljanje letova za Čikago, koji će pored Njujorka biti druga destinacija „Er Srbije“ u Americi I’m happiest about the Chicago, which, alongside New York, will be Air Serbia’s second destination in America establishing of flights to
Andriju Velimirovića, kopilota Tri pitanja za...
vi porodice mogu da uživaju u skija- nju, sankanju, grudvanju ili pravljenju Sneška Belića. Jedna od omiljenih de- stinacija za skijanje su Alpi. Er Srbija svojim letovima za Milano, Cirih i Lju- bljanu može brzo i lako da vas približi finalnom odredištu na planini. Bili ste na prvim letovima za Ki- nu. Kako je bilo leteti tako daleko? – Sa pilotske tačke gledišta, let za Tjenđin je rutinski. Letove ka Kini obav- lja proširena pilotska i kabinska posa- da, zbog dužine trajanja leta, tako da svako od članova posade ima pravo na odmor tokom leta. Ka Tjenđinu se leti noću, let traje oko 10 sati i sleće se u zoru. Let za Beograd traje oko 11 i po sati, leti se danju, tako da može da se uživa u pogledu. Udaljenost od Beo- grada do Tjenđina je oko 7.500 kilo- metara i preleću se Bugarska, Crno more, Gruzija, Azerbejdžan, istočni obronci Kavkaza, Kaspijsko i Aralsko jezero, južni deo Kazahstana i severni deo Kine, uključujući i pustinju Gobi.
Er Srbija je za proleće najavila veliki broj novih destinacija. Kojima se najviše radujete i zašto? – Najviše me raduje uspostavlja- nje letova za Čikago, koji će, pored Njujorka, biti druga destinacija Er Sr- bije u Americi, a jedan je od centara naše dijaspore. Putnici će moći sa la- koćom da dođu do američkog sred- njeg zapada našim „erbasom A330“, odakle će moći da nastave svoje pu- tovanje dalje po Americi ili da uživaju u lepotama Vetrovitog grada. Vreme je za zimske čarolije. Na koju biste nas planinu najradi- je odvezli? – Vreme zimskog raspusta je le- po provesti na planini, gde svi člano-
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