MARSELJ Drugi najveci grad u Francuskoj, zahvaljujuci 2.600 godi- na dugoj istoriji, ima bogato i raznoliko kulturno nasleđe. Od okruga Panije do malog netaknutog sela, od zgrade Mucem do Vieille Charité, od nezaobilaznog Notre-Da- me de la Garde do blistavog Cité le Corbusier. Ukoliko u jutarnjim satima prođete pored Stare luke, jednog od tu- rističkih simbola grada, sigruno ćete sresti glasne riba- re koji prodaju svež ulov. Upravo ovde počinje čuvena, ki- lometar duga „ulica konoplje“, Rue La Canbière, čiji izgled datira iz 19. veka, kada je Marselj bio jedan od najvecih centara trgovine konopljom na svetu.
Od 20. maja, svakog utorka i subote, možete leteti do Marselja Starting from 20 th May, you can fly to Marseille every Tuesday and Saturday
MARSEILLE France’s second largest city has a rich and diverse cul-
tural heritage, thanks to its 2,600-year history. From the district of Le Panier to the small, pristine village of Les Goudes; from the Mucem - Muse- um of Civilisations of Europe and the Mediterrane- an - to Les Vieille Charité; from the must-see No- tre-Dame de la Garde basilica to the dazzling Cité le Corbusier. If you pass by the Old Port, one of the city’s tourist symbols, in the mornings, you are sure to encounter loud fishermen selling their fresh catch. It is here that the famous, kilometre-long Hemp Street, Rue La Canbière, begins, the look of which dates back to the 19 th century, when Mar- seille was one of the world’s biggest hemp trad- ing centres.
Er Srbija preko Beograda nudi dobru povezanost iz Hamburga, Geteborga, Kelna i Marselja do drugih destinacija u svojoj mreži poput Soluna, Atine, Istanbula, Bukurešta, Sofije, Tirane, Skoplja, Sarajeva, Rima, Malte, Splita, Dubrovnika, Tivta, Podgorice, Beča, Pule, Rijeke, Zadra, Firence, Katanije, Napulja, Palerma i Larnake Air Serbia provides good connections from Hamburg, Gothenburg, Cologne and Marseille, via Belgrade, to other destinations in its network, such as Thessaloniki, Athens, Istanbul, Bucharest, Sofia, Tirana, Skopje, Sarajevo, Rome, Malta, Split, Dubrovnik, Tivat, Podgorica, Vienna, Pula, Rijeka, Zadar, Florence, Catania, Naples, Palermo and Larnaca
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