Elevate January 2023 | Air Serbia

Na letu On board



Volim da se izgubim u oblacima I love to lose myself in the clouds

Lena Bogdanović glumica / actress

I have loved planes since I first flew, as a child, to visit my grandpar- ents in Prague, and it has remained my favourite mode of transport to this day. In an incredibly short peri- od of time, at high speeds, you can reach your desired destination with- out traffic congestion. And while doing so you also have an incredi- ble opportunity to lose yourself in the clouds. You can sail, both lit- erally and symbolically, to anoth- er dimension and view yourself and the world from a different perspec- tive. Isn’t that absolutely fantastic? What don’t you board a plane without? My mobile phone is always be- side me, so that I can take photos, and I love shots from the window, with the magical clouds and land- scapes. And, most importantly, I call to tell my nearest and dearest that I've landed, which is a very im- portant custom in my family. I car- ry something to read, because I al- most never sleep on a plane, even at night. There are also headphones, for when I want to switch off and drift away to music. film, television and theatre actress. Born in 1974 in Novi Sad, where she graduated from the Academy of Arts in the class of professor Branko Pleša, she is known for her roles in Women from Dedinje and oth- er popular series, while she’s also performed in a number of domes- tic and Italian films. WHO IS LENA? Lena Bogdanović is a Serbian

Avione volim od kada sam kao dete prvi put letela u posetu baki i deki u Prag, a do danas je to mo- je omiljeno prevozno sredstvo. Za neverovatno kratko vreme velikom brzinom stignete na željenu desti- naciju, bez saobraćajne gužve. Pri- tom imate neverovatnu priliku da se izgubite u oblacima. I doslovce, ali i simbolično, da otplovite u ne- ku drugu dimenziju ili pogledate sebe i svet iz druge perspektive. Nije li to apsolutno fantastično? Bez čega ne ulazite u avion? – Telefon je uvek uz mene ka- ko bih mogla da fotografišem, vo- lim kadrove sa prozora, oblaci i pej- zaži su magični. Najvažnije, javim

se najdražima da sam sletela, to je veoma važan običaj u mojoj poro- dici. Nešto za čitanje ponesem, jer gotovo nikada ne spavam u avio- nu, čak ni noću. Tu su i slušalice kada želim da se isključim i otplo- vim u muziku. filmska, televizijska i pozorišna glumica. Rođena je 1974. u No- vom Sadu, gde je završila Akade- miju umetnosti u klasi profesora Branka Pleše. Poznajemo je po ulo- gama u „Ženama sa Dedinja“ i dru- gim popularnim serijama, a igrala je i u nizu domaćih, kao i italijan- skih filmova. KO JE LENA? Lena Bogdanović je srpska

Tekst/Words: Ljiljana Perović Fotografije/Photography: Darijan Mihajlović

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