Elevate January 2023 | Air Serbia



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Firenca je rodno mesto re - nesanse i muzej na otvore - nom. Poznata je i po svojoj jednostavnoj, ali neverovat - noj kuhinji. Iako je glavni grad Toskane manje očigledan kao krajnja stanica od Rima ili Venecije, to je četvrto naj - popularnije odredište u zem - lji i definitivno je ne treba pro - pustiti. Dakle, hajde da navedemo bar neke divne stvari po koji - ma je Firenca poznata. Samo pazite na simptome Stenda - lovog (Firentinskog) sindro - ma; lepota grada je toliko ne - odoljiva da se nekim ljudima vrti u glavi, pa čak i halucini - raju! – Prekjuče, kad sam se spu - štao s Apenina i približavao Firenci, srce mi je snažno lu - palo. Kakva detinjarija! Naj - Čuvajte se F irentinskog sindroma

Florence is known for being the birthplace of the Renai- ssance and an open-air mu- seum, as well as for its sim- ple yet amazing cuisine. While the capital of Tuscany is le- ss obvious as a final desti - nation than Rome or Venice, it is nonetheless the fourth most popular tourist destina- tion in the country and is de- finitely not to be missed. So, let’s find out all the wonderful things Florence is known for. Just watch out for the symp- toms of Stendhal (Florence) syndrome; the city’s beauty is so overwhelming that some folks feel dizzy and even hallu- cinate! “The day before yester- day, descending the Apenni- nes toward Florence, my heart was beating fast. How chil- dish. Finally, at a turn in the Watch out for Florence syndrome

road, I looked down onto the plain and far off I saw a sort of dark mass, Santa Maria del Fiore and its famous dome, Brunelleschi’s masterpiece. I said to myself: There had li- ved Dante, Michelangelo, Leo- nardo da Vinci! There is the noble city, queen of the Midd- le Ages! It was within those walls that civilisation was con- ceived anew.” (From the writin- gs of Stendhal describing the symptoms of “Florence syn- drome”) Florence Cathedral Beauty and monumentality aren’t the only reasons why Florence Cathedral (Santa Ma- ria del Fiore, or simply Duo- mo) is the city’s ultimate icon. A self-supporting dome li- ke this hadn’t been built since Antiquity, because the tech- nique had been lost. This en- gineering breakthrough was a major symbol of the transi - tion from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance (and the mo- dern era). Upon its completion

Letovi Između Beograda i Firence obavljaće se od 20. maja utorkom i subotom Flights will operate between Belgrade and Florence on Tuesdays and Saturdays from 20 th May

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