Elevate January 2023 | Air Serbia



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A vibrant city at the heart of the Mediterranean, Palermo is full of flavours and aromas that on their own easily justi - fy the city’s moniker as the cultural capital of Italy. Proud of its origins with Greek, Ara- bic and Roman influences, the city keeps its markets bustling, ancient streets live- ly, and opera houses packed with artists and enthusiasts. Bathe in the tranquil waters of the Tyrrhenian Sea, climb Europe’s largest active vol- cano or walk the age-old la- byrinth of streets. These are only a few of the many things to do in Palermo. Cathedral Due to the various conque- rors of Palermo, this cathe- dral has myriad styles and is a truly fascinating edifice. Ori - ginally constructed in 1185, the church has had many uses, including as a mosque and a crypt. The Moorish in- fluence is present on the exterior and it features a fine central basilica and a tall re- naissance clock tower. The portico side entrance also fe- atures several ornate colu- mns with frescos. Palazzo dei Normanni The Royal Palace, or the Pa- lace of the Normans, served as the main seat of the Kings of Sicily. It stands as one of the oldest preserved royal pa- laces in Europe, having been originally created in the 9 th century. The Norman and Mo- orish influence is undeniable and the palace exudes a sen- se of stateliness. The picturesque heart of Sicily

Do Palerma, prestonice Sicilije, Er Srbija će saobraćati od 14. juna svake srede i subote Air Serbia will fly to the Sicilian capital of Palermo every Wednesday and Saturday from 14 th June

Živopisno srce S icilije

Katedrala Zbog raznih osvajača Paler - ma, ova katedrala ima bez - broj različitih stilova i zaista je fascinantna. Prvobitno iz - građena 1185. godine, imala je mnogo namena, uključujuci džamiju i kriptu. U eksterije - ru je prisutan maorski uticaj, a ima finu centralnu bazili - ku i visoku renesansnu kulu sa satom. Štaviše, bočni ulaz ima nekoliko kitnjastih stubo - va sa freskama. Palaco dei Normani Kraljevska palata ili palata Normana služila je kao sedi -

Živahan grad u srcu Medite - rana, Palermo je pun ukusa i mirisa koji lako opravdavaju titulu kulturne prestonice Ita - lije. Ponosan na svoje pore - klo sa grčkim, arapskim i rim - skim uticajima, grad održava svoje pijace užurbanim, drev - ne ulice živim i opere punim umetnika i entuzijasta. Oku - pajte se u mirnim vodama Ti - renskog mora, popnite se na najveci aktivni vulkan u Evro - pi ili prošetajte vekovnim lavi - rintom ulica. Ovo su samo ne - ke od stvari koje treba videti u Palermu.

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