the character of Emily, who was an anomaly for her time. What price do women like Emily and Samantha have to pay to remain ultimately true to themselves? - That’s a good question, and one that I increasingly ask myself. I believe one of the main factors is actually deciding whether you’ll fit in with society and agree to compro- mise, or whether you’ll stay true to yourself and remain alone. In ob- serving the strong women that I’ve portrayed throughout my career, I tried to penetrate their minds and reveal what it is that makes them vulnerable. Is it a fear of intima- cy? Emily and Samantha are both women who aren’t seeking a seri- ous relationship. For Samantha, in- timacy is primarily found in a phys- ical connection with a man. Every time she crossed that line and al- lowed her emotions to get the bet- ter of her libido, she would regret it, or at least that’s how she expe- rienced it. She found happiness in solitude. And that’s just like Emily, who was addicted to nights on the town and “hanging out” with men she’d never even come into contact with under normal circumstances. She wasn't looking for a relation- ship, but rather uncertainty, dan- ger, risk and adventure. And the problem with solitude is that de- pendence on it develops with age. And then the question remains – of whether it could or should have been different... Thanks to this series, you got the chance to travel back to the England of the start of the last century. What kind of impression did you have; could you im- agine yourself in 1920? - I believe that I was born at the right time. Many incredible wom- en paved that pathway to freedom, over the course of previous centu- ries and decades, which enabled me to live my life today, and ensured that my voice counts, and that I even have a “voice”. I’m happy, es- pecially at my age, that I can today benefit from everything for which
Moja mama je bila veliki ljubitelj krimića i horora, tako da su Agata Kristi i Alfred Hičkok bili veoma prisutni u mom detinjstvu My mother was a big fan of crime and horror stories, so Agatha Christie and Alfred Hitchcock had a strong presence in my childhood
they fought and that I can contin- ue their mission: to educate young women and raise awareness of the importance of the role of women in modern society. I follow the spir- it that my characters also live by. I live my life under terms that I set and never place myself in the posi- tion of a victim. That doesn’t mean that I’m not vulnerable. I just don’t let anyone toy with my weaknesses. How did Samantha and Sex and the City mark your ca- reer? - The most beautiful thing about the show Sex and the City is that it brought a great change in the interpretation of what a wom- an is and what role she has in soci-
ety. For the first time in history, all taboo topics and issues were dis- cussed openly, and that was done through the perspectives of four women who actually, together, comprised one complete woman. That’s the magic of Sex and the City. She joined the long list of all those courageous and incredible women we’ve already mentioned, contrib- uting in her own way to the greater freedom and improved position of generations to come. If we resolved at least one misgiving, or solved a problem of love or any other issue for just one woman in the world, I believe we will have achieved a his- toric success with our show.
Interview » Intervju | 33
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