Biser Egeja pun antičkih tragova A GEM OF THE AEGEAN AND A WONDER OF THE WORLD
Efes Nijedan izlet u Izmir ne bi bio potpun bez posete čuvenom drevnom grčkom gradu Efesu. Rodno je mesto osnivača antičke filozofije Heraklita i mesto pro- cvata umetnosti i nauke. Obavezno po- setite Artemidin hram, jedno od sedam svetskih čuda antike, za koji je jedan an- tički pisac rekao: „Osim Olimpa, sunce još nikada nije videlo nešto što se može uporediti sa ovim.“ The city of Izmir is located in western Anatolia and is famous for being Turkey’s most important seaport for exports. The country’s third largest city in terms of population, after Istanbul and Anka- ra, it attracts many tourists with its cul- tural and recreational areas, but also its archaeological museums and wonder- ful beaches. Izmir is one of the wonderful cities to be built by Alexander the Great in the fourth century BC. It was also said to be the birthplace of famous Greek po- et Homer. However, the city was de- stroyed, with not a trace of the castles built by the Greeks remaining. Izmir is al- so home to the ancient cities of Perga- mon and Ephesus, which are visited an- nually by nearly two million people.
Grad Izmir nalazi se u zapadnoj Ana- doliji i poznat je po najvažnijoj izvo- znoj luci u Turskoj. Treci je grad po broju stanovnika, posle Istanbula i Ankare, koji svojim kulturnim i rekre- ativnim zonama, uz arheološke mu- zeje i prelepe plaže, privlači broj- ne turiste. Izmir je jedan od divnih gradova koje je izgradio Aleksandar Veliki u 4. ve- ku pre nove ere. Takođe se govorilo da je to mesto rođenja poznatog grč- kog pesnika Homera. Međutim, grad je uništen, a od građevina koje su po- digli Grci nije ostalo ni traga. Ali Izmir je zato dom drevnih gradova Perga- mona i Efesa, koje svake godine po- seti gotovo dva miliona ljudi. Pergamon Ovaj mocni drevni grčki grad ima ne- ke od najbolje očuvanih ruševina iz tog doba, posebno čuveni Perga- monski oltar. Pergamon je Unesko- va svetska baština zbog izuzetnih ruševina pozorišta, gimnazije, grad- skih zidina, kao i upečatljivog svetili- šta Kibele. Nakon što je grad došao pod vlast Rimljana, postao je raskoš- na metropola sa jednom od najvecih biblioteka.
Do jednog od najvažnijih lučkih gradova Mediterana Er Srbija će početi da leti 15. aprila, i to svake srede i subote Air Serbia will start flying to this city, one of the most important ports on the Mediterranean, as of 15 th April, with flights every Wednesday and Saturday
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Pergamon This powerful ancient Greek city has some of the best-preserved ruins from the era, especially the famous Perga- mon Altar. Pergamon has been de- clared a UNESCO World Heritage Site thanks to the exceptional ruins of the ancient theatre, gymnasium and city walls, as well as the striking Kybele Sanctuary. After coming under the rule of the Roman Empire, the city became a flourishing metropolis with one of the largest libraries. Ephesus No trip to Izmir would be complete with- out a tour of the famous ancient Greek city of Ephesus. This birthplace of Her- aclitus, the founder of the original form of dialectics, is a place where art and science flourished. Be sure to visit the Temple of Artemis, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Its beau- ty is such that one ancient writer wrote: “Except Olympus, the sun has never seen anything comparable to this”.
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